SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9641 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 9/96 ¦ 3130 RELEASE 2 TIPS & HINTS Last Updated 9/27/96 The following include tips and hints to help aid in the successful installa- tion of a 3130 Release 2. 1. SNA CONFIGURATION - Upgrading from Release 1 to Release 2 The 3130 Release 2 uses new SNA Server code which now verifies the CPNAME. If you have a release 1 machine, you were instructed to config- ure CPNAME to match the APPLID or 3130 Remote LU name. In release 2 you MUST change the CPNAME to match the CPNAME configured on the VTAM Switched Major node PU definition. If the customer does not have a CPNAME defined, the CPNAME on the 3130 should simply be unique and NOT match the Remote LU name. 2. CONFIGURING THE 3130 FOR SHARING BETWEEN IPDS and ASCII - Refer to the 3130 Administration Guide on page 4-5. The IPDS JOB TIMEOUT is the num- ber of seconds the printer waits before releasing the printer for ASCII jobs to print. The value defaults to 90 seconds. If PSF/MVS APAR OW15018 or PSF/400 V3R2 is in use, SEND END DIALOG REQUEST can be set to YES with a higher IPDS JOB TIMEOUT value for more efficient switching. These values are configured under SETUP -> DATA STREAMS -> IPDS -> CON- FIGURATION. 3. COMMON PROBLEMS WITH ORDERING / CONFIGURING THE 3130 The following are common problems encountered when ordering the 3130. o the Network Print Server feature... The NPS Type 1 adapter contains a standard 9-pin Dshell adapter for the IBM cabling system type cables. A cable, however, is NOT shipped with the NPS adapter so one should be ordered separately. The common part is IBM part# 6339098, a 10ft cable. The NPS Type 3 adapter contains a female RJ-45 (phone jack type) con- nector. A RJ45 to RJ45 cable should be made available, as one does NOT ship with the NPS adapter. Also be aware that when ordering the NPS adapters, these adapters are designed to provide a LAN attachment via the parallel port and thus you DO NOT need to order the Ethernet or Token Ring attachment fea- tures (4161,4162,4163 or 4120) unless they are required for another purpose (such as IPDS printing). When ordering the NPS Adapter, be aware you MUST also order PCL (fea- ture 4815) or PostScript (feature 4810) to get the microcode which supports ASCII printing and enables the parallel port. o Attachment Features We have seen several printers configured with Twinax AND Token Ring. Remember, ONLY ONE of the following attachments can be installed on the 3130: - TWINAX - feature 4140 - Token-Ring - feature 4120 - SDLC V.24 - feature 4150 - SDLC V.35 - feature 4151 In addition to ONE of the above, you can have Ethernet, (native, fea- ture 4161,4162 or 4163, and the Parallel port for parallel cable at- tachment, or attachment through one of the TR or Ethernet NPS devices. o Memory... 16MB additional Memory feature 4310 When ordering PCL or PS features, keep in mind, if the customer plans to print more than one datastream, (PCL, PostScript or IPDS) addi- tional memory is recommended. Refer to BLD FLASH 9615 also available on the PRINTERS disk as FLASH 96153130. 4. UNABLE TO 'PING' THE 3130 PRINTER We have found when the customer is unable to PING the 3130 printer, most problems are related to the customer's LAN, i.e. cabling, hubs, routers etc. Although not required, we recommend the customer configure all 3 parame- ters under TCP/IP System, including PRINTER NAME (also known as the HOST or SERVER NAME in a TCP/IP environment), the NAME SERVER IP ADDRESS (a name server that associates the PRINTER NAME configured above, with the IP address of the printer, configured under ATTACHMENTS), and the DOMAIN NAME. We also recommend the CE or Customer configure these values before at- taching or enabling the 3130 on their LAN. We have seen cases when cus- tomer's plug the 3130 into their LAN, prior to configuring the proper TCP/IP values in the printer and some intelligent LAN devices store the default IP address or PRINTER NAME in association with the MAC address. If there is concern this may have happened and the customer does not know how to refresh the tables in their LAN equipment, the customer can try reconfiguring the 3130 with a fresh PRINTER NAME, IP address and MAC AD- DRESS (Alternate Address field under the Attachment Configuration). It is ALWAYS a good idea to DISABLE the attachment before making changes and re-ENABLE when you have completed any changes. 5. 3130 ETHERNET TCP/IP ONCE WORKING....NOW UNABLE TO PING Customer's experiencing problems losing connection with an Ethernet TCP/IP attached 3130 should verify their router is either: a. Configured to broadcast both Standard and IEEE802.3 arp requests, or b. Set up as the same Ethernet type (Standard or IEEE802.3) as the 3130. Traces of these types of problems have shown that upon power up, the 3130 broadcasts a frame using the Ethernet type configured. The router stores this information along with the Ethernet type until the time the router is configured to flush it's arp tables. At that time, many routers will broadcast only one type of request. If the 3130 is not configured as the same Ethernet type as the router, it does not respond to this request and thus the lost communication. 6. TCP/IP: HOW TO LPR - using the correct HOST and PRINTER name In TCP/IP networks, the terminology in different environments can often be confusing. Keep in mind, the 3130 has a RISC control unit that looks like a server in a TCP/IP network. The internal queue, where ASCII jobs are sent, is hardcoded (not configurable) as 'afccu2'. This 'queue name' will normally be the PRINTER NAME you are asked for to LPR. The HOST or SERVER name you are asked for should be associated with the PRINTER NAME you configure in the 3130 TCP/IP SYSTEM configuration. EXAMPLE: Assuming you've configured the 3130 PRINTER NAME value as prt3130. To LPR from a LPR capable workstation, you would configure: SERVER NAME: prt3130 PRINTER NAME: afccu2 or, enter the LPR command as follows: lpr -sprt3130 -pafccu2 myfile.pcl Also, keep in mind most TCP/IP networks are case sensitive. If it doesn't work with all caps, try it with all lower case letters. Refer also, to the sample on page 1-4 of the 3130 System Administration Guide S544-5328-1. 7. HOW TO FTP The above comments on LPR are also applicable to FTP. The following is an example of how to FTP a print job to the 3130. ftp * Where x...= ip address of 3130 user print * login with userid 'print' password myname * Where myname = name to appear on header put filename * Where filename = name of file to print site print filename * Places file on 3130 print queue site status * OPTIONAL shows jobs on queue if printer * is configured with SPOOL = YES. NOTE: If Direct mode is used, (SPOOL = NO) you do NOT need to issue the SITE PRINT command and you will not be able to display the queue status using the SITE STATUS command. The job should go directly to the rasterizer and print. 8. TCP/IP DEFAULT GATEWAY WHEN USING BOTH TOKEN RING AND ETHERNET When both Ethernet and Token Ring are being enabled /used at the same time, the default gateway address of the first attachment to be enabled will be used for the second attachment enabled also. During auto-startup, if the printer is connected to 2 TCP/IP networks, the default gateway address on the printer should be the one on the net- work which comes up first. Otherwise, the printer will try to resolve this problem as follows: Both networks have an ip address, subnet mask, and default gateway address. The default gateway address could be com- mon, or different for both networks. During the auto-start the printer will try to determine which network the default gateway address belongs to. If it belongs to Ethernet TCP/IP, the Ethernet TCP/IP network at- tachment will be enabled first. When it is successfully enabled, the printer also changes the default gateway address on the Token Ring net- work, to make them the same. It is necessary to enable a TCP/IP network with an ACTIVE default gateway address. During a manual enable, the printer WILL FAIL TO ENABLE if the default gateway address belongs to a different network that is not enabled. It is required, to enable the TCP/IP network that owns the default gateway address first. Once this is done, the other network will use this as its default gateway address. 9. CONFIGURING IPDS When configuring the 3130 for IPDS data stream, follow the steps below.NOTE: There are multiple enable's you MUST perform to activate ______ IPDS including the interface, the application and the source attachment. o On the first page of the Menu Tree, under Attachments, select the hardware type the customer will be using i.e. TOKEN RING. Note: there is a choice under ATTACHMENTS titled 'APPLICATION SETUP'. You will have to configure this application setup also, before IPDS will work. o Go to your attachment page i.e. TOKEN RING and configure it using the attachment work sheet provided by the customer. Set AUTO RESTART to yes if you want the token ring card to enable when the machine is powered up. o Now return to ATTACHMENTS and go to APPLICATION SETUP. Select IPDS, then select CONFIGURATION, then select SOURCE ATTACHMENT. From the list select the source that IPDS will come from, i.e. SNA TOKEN RING. o Return to the attachment you will be using i.e. TOKEN RING and go to ENABLE STATUS and set to enable. o Go back to APPLICATION SETUP, then to IPDS and set ENABLE STATUS to ENABLE. Then scroll to CONFIGURATION, then to IPDS AUTO START and select YES unless there is some reason the customer does not want IPDS to auto start when the machine is powered up. o Once you exit from the menu and make the machine ready, it should be ready to receive and print an IPDS job. o Additional items can be configured for IPDS, see SETIP, MACHINE CON- FIGURATION, DATA STREAMS, IPDS, however these are normally customer setup items. 10. CONFIGURING PCL / POSTSCRIPT When configuring the 3130 for PCL or PS data stream follow the steps be- low. o If the customer will be using the parallel port for PCL or PostScript jobs select ATTACHMENTS, PC PARALLEL, CONFIGURATION. Here you would set AUTO RESTART to yes if you want the parallel port to enable each time the printer is powered on. o Return to CONFIGURATION then scroll to ENABLE STATUS and then set to ENABLE. You must set ENABLE STATUS to ENABLE before the parallel port will work. o If PCL or PostScript is ordered it must be installed. Go to SERVICE, INSTALL PS EMULATION and/or INSTALL PCL EMULATION. You need a pass- word to do this. This password should have been provided with the MES. If you and the customer do not have the password and PCL or PostScript is part of the MES contact level 2 support for a password. o Additional items can be configured for PS and PCL under SETUP, MA- CHINE CONFIGURATION, DATA STREAMS, but these are normally customer setup items. o If you are using a NPS (Network Print Server) install it at this time and run test prints from it. See Appendix A of NPS Administration Guide for information on running Test Prints. 11. PCL LINE SPACING Customer's with applications that use default line spacing may notice a difference between the output of the 3130 and other ASCII printers. The 3130 uses 6 lines per inch (8/48ths) as the default line spacing while some vendors use 7/48ths. To emulate the 7/48ths line spacing, insert the following PCL escape se- quence. Be sure this escape follows any ' E' which causes a reset. o &l7C *** CHANGES VERTICAL LINE SPACING TO 7/48" *** 12. SELECTING PCL FONT TYPEFACE The following documents the font typeface numbers which can be used to select the 3130 resident PCL fonts using the (s#T 'Select Typeface PCL command'. The font numbers listed on page 4-13 in the 3130 Program- mers Reference are font numbers which can be used with the (#X 'Font Select by ID number' PCL command. The 3130 emulates an HP LaserJet 4 printer and the same (s#T com- mands which work with an HP LJ4 will work with the 3130. The typeface numbers to use in place of the '#' are as follows: Font Typeface Number Courier 4099 CG Times 4101 CG Omega 4113 Coronet 4116 Clarendon Condensed 4140 Univers 4148 Antique Olive 4168 Garamond 4197 Marigold 4297 Albertus 4362 Arial 16602 Times New Roman 16901 Symbol 16686 Wingdings 31402 Letter Gothic 4102 Line Printer 0 Notes: In order to get Coronet, you must also specify (s1p1S. In order to get Clarendon Condensed, you must also specify (s1p4s3B. In order to get Albertus, you must also specify (s1p1B. In order to get Line Printer, you must also specify (s0p16.67h8.5V. 13. 3130 SNA/SDLC CARE EIA232 TO V.35 Customer's desiring to upgrade from a EIA232 (19.2Kbps) SDLC connection to a V.35 (56Kbps) will need to purchase / replace the internal cable part# 57g4809 with a new cable, part# 57g4808. They will also need to change the SDLC TYPE from EIA 232 to V.35 in the ATTACHMENTS> SDLC> CON- FIGURATION menu's. $EOM