SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9650 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 12/96 ¦ MINIMIZING DELAY WHEN STOPPING AND STARTING AFCCU PRINTERS AFCCU printers: 3900-0Wx, 3900-DWx, 3130, 3160, 3935, and InfoPrint family of printers have a configuration option labeled "Clear Memory for Security". This option can have a significant impact on the time required to start the printer after it has been stopped by PSF and the printer subsystem - for ex- ample in MVS, when the printer is stopped using a $P command and then started again using a $S command. To prevent unnecessary delay when starting and stopping AFCCU printers, set this option to NO unless you have extraordinary security requirements. YES requires the printer to zero-out all print data storage when the printer is restarted. This is not required for normal security, since pointers to the data are no longer active. But this has been the standard for IPDS printers and, until AFCCU, has had little impact on performance. Now with the large amount of storage in AFCCU printers, clearing can take several minutes-- enough to make a noticeable difference to customers who start and stop their printers multiple times a day. YES is the default setting for this option on all current AFCCU printers, re- gardless of the documentation. NO will be used in future printers. $EOM