This package contains sample code for ACIF, the Advanced Function Printing Conversion and Indexing Function. It illustrates methods for coding each of the ACIF exits (Input, Output, Index, and Resource), and also shows a method of using the ACIF index file to index and retrieve documents from archive files. If you received this package on a PC diskette, note that the files marked 'B' are binary (usually print resources) and must be uploaded as binary and deblocked with AFRREBLK (included with the AFP Workbench Viewer and Type Transformer and available from your IBM Printing Systems Company representative). */**************************************************************/ */* (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION, 1993, 2000 */ */* */ */* >>>>>>> IMPORTANT NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<< */ */* */ */* THIS PROGRAM IS NOT SUPPORTED IN ANY WAY BY IBM. IT */ */* HAS NOT BEEN SUBJECTED TO ANY FORMAL IBM TESTING AND */ */* IS DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY */ */* WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE USE OF */ */* THIS CODE OR ANY INFORMATION OR TECHNIQUES IMPLICIT */ */* WITHIN IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. */ */* SUCH USE DEPENDS UPON THE CUSTOMER'S ABILITY TO */ */* EVALUATE THE INFORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR OWN */ */* PARTICULAR OPERATING ENVIRONMENT. THIS CODE HAS */ */* OPERATED SUCCESSFULLY IN THE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT AT */ */* THE BOULDER PROGRAMMING CENTER. THERE IS NO */ */* GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL OPERATE CORRECTLY ELSEWHERE. */ */**************************************************************/ ACIFXMPL ANNOUNCE * /* */ ACIFCALL ASSEMBLE * /* Link to ACIF from Assembler */ ACIFLOAD ASSEMBLE * /* Load ACIF from Assembler */ DBCSEXIT ASSEMBLE * /* make ACIF output easier to use with DBCS viewer */ RESEXIT ASSEMBLE * /* resource selection exit */ APKOUTDB C * /* DBCS font list fixup for AIX */ ASCIINP C * /* ascii linedata input filter */ ASCIINPE C * /* AIX input translation exit */ ACIFIDX COBOL * /* ACIFSAMP archive input exit */ ACIFINX COBOL * /* ACIFSAMP archive index exit */ ACIFOTX COBOL * /* ACIFSAMP archive output exit */ ACIFRETR COBOL * /* ACIFSAMP archive retrieval program */ AFPINDEX COBOL * /* stand-alone index object processor (like ACIFIDX) */ AFPXTRCT COBOL * /* another version of archive file extractor */ APKINPTS COBOL * /* input exit test program */ APKOUTXT COBOL * /* sample output exit */ APKRSLST COBOL * /* lists and selects resources using resource exit */ APKRSLST JCL * /* Sample JCL for resource list and selection exit */ APKXPSEG COBOL * /* creates list of selected resources (see PDS2RES) */ APKZREC COBOL * /* special indexing records */ AFPAGOT COPY * /* ACIFSAMP archive RRDS record description */ AFPKEY COPY * /* ACIFSAMP archive KSDS record description */ STRFLDS COPY * /* COBOL structured field constants */ ACIFSAMP DATA * /* ACIFSAMP archive sample data */ SAMPLE DATA * /* */ FLAT2PDS EXEC * /* convert MO:DCA resource object to a PDS */ PDS2FLAT EXEC * /* convert a PDS resource file to a resource object */ PDS2RES EXEC * /* create resource object from PDS member list */ F1RSPAYR FDEF3820 B /* used in sample */ X0AT13 FONT3820 B /* used in sample */ F1ACSAMP FDF B /* used in archive example */ P1ACSAMP PDE B /* used in archive example */ APKEXITS H * /* C header for AIX exits */ ACIFCALL JCL * /* JCL to run ACIFCALL */ ACIFSAMP JCL * /* ACIFSAMP archive execution JCL */ ACIFXPSG JCL * /* JCL to run APKXPSEG, PDS2RES */ AFPXTRCT JCL * /* JCL for AFPXTRCT */ AFPXTRCT LIST3820 B /* some documentation for AFPXTRCT */ $BITS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ $PARM MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ $REGS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ $SAVE MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ APKHRSPZ MACRO * /* mapping macro for resource exit */ APKUOTPZ MACRO * /* mapping macro for output exit parameter list */ CHKSTACK MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ DOAVE MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ DOEXIT MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ DOGRP MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ DOPROC MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ELSEE MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ENDDO MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ENDIF MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ENDLOOP MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ENDSRCH MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ EXITIF MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ EXITSCTN MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ GBLVARS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ GETCC MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ IFAVE MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ IFPROC MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ ORELSE MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ PERFORM MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ POPINS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ POPNEST MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ PUSHINS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ PUSHLAB MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ PUSHNEST MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ SEARCH MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ SFIDEQU MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ STKINS MACRO * /* used in assembler examples */ AIXEXIT MAKE * /* make file for ASCIINP */ ACIFEXIT NOTES * /* ACIF exit overview */ O1RSPAYC OVLY3820 B /* used in sample */ O1RSPAYN OVLY3820 B /* used in sample */ O1RSPAYS OVLY3820 B /* used in sample */ ACIFXMPL PACKAGE * /* */ P1RSPAYR PDEF3820 B /* used in sample */ ACIFSAMP README * /* ACIFSAMP archive description */ AFPXTRCT SCRIPT * /* source for AFPXTRCT LIST3820 */