>>NOTE: When uploading this exec to an MVS host, be >>certain that the upload program has not mis-translated the >>character | (x'4F'). Some upload utilities translate this as >>x'6a', the broken vertical bar Ý. If you get message "DMSREX460E >>Error 13 running SAMPIMG EXEC, line nn: Invalid character in >>program" edit the progam and change all x'6a' to x'4f'. REXX exec to create a print file containing Include Page Overlay strutured fields for each member of a PDS, to allow sampling of an entire overlay library. This program will also sample page segments. Invocation: SAMPIMG /options is the fully-qualified name of the PDS to be sampled the fully-qualified name of an optional file containing a list of members to be used instead of selecting all the members of . The member list is a sequential file containing the name of one member per line. Lines beginning with * are ignored. options are: (PGX= PGY= SYSOUT(CLASS= DEST= FDEF= xxx.xx x page dimensions (8.5 inches default) yyy.yy y page dimensions (11.0 inches default) SYSOUT indicates output is to be sent directly to the spool. is the output class node name and destination id is the formdef name (F1 prefix is assumed) LABEL=TOP|BOT prints overlay name on top or bottom @01A input: indsn output: outdsn (defaults to indsn.PDS) Each overlay is written as a separate page. You must supply a FORMDEF for printing (recommended F1A00010). Page size is 8.5 x 11 inches. You may change the default page dimensions by supplying values for PGX and PGY as options. Under TSO or TSO batch you may specify the following additional option: SYSOUT(CLASS=c DEST=node.id FORMDEF=fdef where c=print class node.id = node name and dest id of the printer fdef = FORMDEF (DUMMY is used if not specified, for inline) This will allocate a print spool file and send the converted output directly to the printer. A TSO invocation might look like: SAMPIMG MY.OVLIB /SYSOUT(CLASS=A DEST=QA.4W123 FDEF=A10110 To change page dimensions: SAMPIMG MY.OVLIB /PGX=11.0 PGY=13.75 A sample batch job might look like: //TSOBATCH EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=25,REGION=0M, // PARM=('SAMPIMG MY.OVLIB /SYSOUT(CLASS=* FDEF=A00010') //SYSPROC DD DSN=VEND789.MY.CLIST,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY NOTE: It is recommended that this program be run in TSO batch if large libraries are to be processed. In order to print the output, you must make all of the necessary resources available in either PSF libraries, USERLIBs, or inline (eg. with ACIF). (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION, 1993, 1998, 1999 Written by H. Turetzky, HYDRA Revised by H. Turetzky, IBM Printing Systems, 1998 03031999 HLT added optional member list. 11152000 HLT fixed retcode error, changed ^ to \ 02212005 HLT print objects with IOB, pages TBD 06282011 (suggested by Karin Becker) add text labels identifying resource name. (9/21/99) @01A >>>>>>> IMPORTANT NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<< THIS PROGRAM IS NOT SUPPORTED IN ANY WAY BY IBM. IT HAS NOT BEEN SUBJECTED TO ANY FORMAL IBM TESTING AND IS DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE USE OF THIS CODE OR ANY INFORMATION OR TECHNIQUES IMPLICIT WITHIN IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. SUCH USE DEPENDS UPON THE CUSTOMER'S ABILITY TO EVALUATE THE INFORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR OWN PARTICULAR OPERATING ENVIRONMENT. THIS CODE HAS OPERATED SUCCESSFULLY IN THE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT AT THE BOULDER PROGRAMMING CENTER. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL OPERATE CORRECTLY ELSEWHERE. *******************************************************************