------------------------------------------------------------------------ AGSS: A Graphical Statistical System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A State-of-the-Art Interactive System for Scientific-Engineering Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AGSS (A Graphical Statistical System) provides an easy-to-use interactive environment for scientific-engineering graphics, applied statistics and exploratory data analysis. It is built upon APL2, but requires only a rudimentary knowledge of APL to be used effectively as a high-level, menu-driven system. With moderate knowledge of APL the system becomes uniquely extendable and customizable. APL programming can be done within the menu entries and the menus themselves can be used as high-level building blocks within the user's own APL functions. AGSS is a state-of-the-art interactive system for scientific-engineering graphics, exploratory data analysis and applied statistics. AGSS was developed at IBM's Yorktown Research Laboratory and has many users throughout IBM's research laboratories and manufacturing and development sites. There are three essentially identical AGSS products which run in the following environments: - Workstations under Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, OS/2, AIX/6000, or Sun Solaris - System/370 and System/390 machines under VM - PC DOS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The AGSS menu-driven graphics component includes a wide assortment of 2- and 3-dimensional color graphics including surface, contour, skyscraper and trajectory plots, as well as functions for fitting curves and surfaces to data. The data analysis and statistics components combine extensive graphical output together with formal statistical model fitting and testing procedures. The exploratory data analysis component handles univariate and multivariate data and includes histograms, empirical densities and cumulative distribution functions (CDF's), box plots and coded scatter plots. The statistics component includes linear and nonlinear regression, reliability analysis, accelerated life testing, time series analysis, design of experiments, and quality control. The system also contains extensive work-management utilities and context-sensitive on-line help. The "AGSS for Workstations" product is new for Fall 1994. Several additional features have been added to AGSS in this new workstation version; among them are: process capability charts, Pareto charts, non-linear surface fitting, additions to the statistical library, and HPGL file output. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Workstation Version (Windows, OS/2, AIX/6000, Sun Solaris) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT - 486 (or higher) PC, RISC System/6000, Sun SPARCstation - 15MB of hard disk, Graphics Display - Requires at least a 3MB Workspace - PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT - Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 with APL2 for Windows - OS/2 2.1 or later with APL2 for OS/2 V1.0 - AIX 3.2 or later, AIXwindows Env/6000 V1R2.3 or later with APL2/6000 Version 1 Release 2 - Solaris 2.2 or later, Motif 1.2 (X11R5) or later with APL2 for Solaris - PRODUCT NUMBER - 5764-092 AGSS for Workstations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VM Version (CMS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT - System/370 or System/390 machine - 4MB Virtual Machine, 20 Cylinders 3380 - PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT - VM Operating System - GDDM Version 1.4 or higher - APL2 Version 1.3 or higher - PRODUCT NUMBER - 5764-011 AGSS - VM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PC DOS Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT - 386 (or higher) PC with coprocessor - 4MB memory, 15MB of hard disk, VGA display - PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT - DOS 3.3 or higher - APL2/PC (version 1.02) - PRODUCT NUMBER - 5764-009 AGSS - PC and PS/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ordering Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Test Period: Two Months - License: PC and Workstation Versions licensed under the IBM Program License Agreement(PLA). VM Version licensed under the IBM Customer Agreement(ICA) with the Addendum for "AS IS" Software Product (Z125-4966). All Licensed "AS IS"; no warranty or support. - Media: PC and Workstation Versions on 3.5" Diskettes, VM Version on 3480 Tape Cartridge. To order AGSS: Call IBM Direct at 1-800-IBM-CALL, ask for extension IC100 (AISPO Products). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To have more-detailed product information faxed to you, call: 1 800 IBM-4FAX - Product Information Sheet on AGSS - fax #2791 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM, AIX, APL2, and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other company, product, and service names may be trademark or service marks of others.