Component Broker R2.0 Publications



Component Broker R2.0 publications

The r2.0 directory contains the Component Broker R2.0 publications (that were shipped with the product) in PDF format. In order to view these documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. If you don't have the Reader installed, you can download a complimentary copy from Adobe. With Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you can view the documents by clicking on the name of the document with the left mouse button. Optionally, you can download the document by pressing 'shift' and the left mouse button at the same time.

Updates to Component Broker R2.0 Publications

The r2.0updates directory contains updates to the Component Broker R2.0 publications that were shipped with the product. The following updates are now available:
pgtnl.pdf - Programming Guide Technical Newsletter in pdf format. This newsletter provides replacement pages and additional information for the Component Broker R2.0 Programming Guide. The replacement pages and additional information remain in effect for subsequent editions unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted or replaced are: pages 255 to 256
A change to the text is indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Absence of a vertical line on a page bearing a TNL notice indicates previously existing text. - Programming Guide Technical Newsletter and Cover page in postscript format. This provides the same information as pgtnl.pdf, but in postscript format for printing. A coverletter is also included. You will need to download this file (left click on the zip file) and unzip it. The file contains two postscript files, which you should print using a postscript printer: - contains the coverletter with instructions for replacing pages in the Programming Guide - contains the actual technical newsletter updates
paa.pdf - CICS and IMS Application Adaptor Quick Beginnings guide. This is an updated version of the guide that was shipped with Component Broker 2.0.