************************************************************************ ** U443761 FILE ** ** DATE = 06/07/96 ** PHONE = 543-2596 ** CONTACT = Lorri Paulsen ** C/T = SJ4909 ** USER = LORRI NODE = STLVM6 ** **************************PTF/APAR INFORMATION************************** APARTXT IX58523 = This PTF corrects miscellaneous defects discovered after the product was shipped. ENDSET COMPID FOR PTF U443761 = 576553000,120 PRODID FOR PTF U443761 = 33H5110,DataHub for Unix OS PREREQ FOR U443761 = NONE ENDSET COREQ FOR U443761 = NONE ENDSET SUP FOR U443761 = NONE ENDSET IFREQ FOR U443761 = NONE ENDSET MEMO TO USERS = This PTF is for DataHub installed on AIX LIST OF DEFECTS FIXED _____________________ Following is a list of the defects fixed by PTF U443761: Fix defects in handling User defined objects Watchdogs are not shown under DB level Modify Ingres predefined checks that calculate file sizes Scrolling tree, redraw problem Oracle watchdog returned floats as integers Launches & snmp traps actions stop working suddenly Newly opened DBM connection does not display automatically User defined objects get wrong connection DataHub crashes w/ stack overflow at startup, formatting alerts DB2 Snapshot data retrieval causes DataHub to crash. Attempt to drop group rules causes DataHub to crash Drop a table does not remove associated watchdog checks Strange DB2 Monitor Switch function behavior Datafile online not working DB2 explain tables not all created Create DB group out of global stack Cleanup of temporary files & dbspace used by watchdogs DataHub hangs after view create, index create Create DB2 trigger generates syntax errors for some conditions Creation of DB2 rdbname with > 8 chars incorrectly handled Not-authorized messages and DataHub hangs Grouping doesn't support multiple DB2 instances, same dbn, 1 host Rule syntax error when rule contains strings Execute SQL on group, out of global stack Watchdogs not propagated to all systems Watchdog processes can't communicate with GlobalComm on same machine Incorrect syntax for Ingres watchdog Fix tree maintenance for group users Cannot start GlobalComm because of error in GlobalComm.log Watchdogs which require OS support stop working after 48 hours Stop-monitoring-system from action bar does not stop processes Alert time one hour behind Changing user on control database connection - wrong actions shown Drop group watchdog failed Additional enhancements to watchdog process Predefined check (# indexes) causes SQL error Monitor switches action is a NOOP Object tree overlays & draws lines in wrong places GUI problem, checks created incorrectly Invalid links in image directory Alert window disappears Mouse pointer should remain a clock during long actions Incorrect group watchdog rule displayed Alter group rule executed twice for launches Cannot tell which database group member SQL failed Launch rule not propagated to new group members Cannot create group rule for SNMP-trap Change column fails when a float with precision null is used Monitor Switches function moved from instance object for DB2 V2 INSTALLING PTF U443761 ______________________ To unpack the PTF files: 1. Insert the PTF tape (blocksize = 512) 2. cd /tmp 3. mkdir U443761 4. cd U443761 5. For installp: a. Control Point: tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 ./dhu.pkg Space required - 11.5 mb b. Managed Host: tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 ./dhumh.pkg Space required - 6 mb 6. For tar: a. Control Point: tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 ./aix.tar Space required - 16 mb b. Managed Host: tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 ./aixmh.tar Space required - 8.1 mb To apply this PTF to an existing DataHub installation: 1. Login as root 2. Stop all DataHub processes 3. Using installp: Enter SMIT and select the following panels: Software Installation and Maintenance Install and Update Software Install/Update Selectable Software (Custom Install) For AIX 3.2.5, Install Subsystems (Selective Fixes) For AIX 4.1 and above, Install/Update From All Available Software Enter the directory where the installp pkgs reside - Control Point: Select dhu.pkg - Managed Host: Select dhumh.pkg 4. Using tar: a. cd datahub_dir b. Control Point: tar -xvf /tmp/U443761/aix.tar c. Managed Host: tar -xvf /tmp/U443761/aixmh.tar 5. If you are managing an Ingres database, rebuild the DataHub Ingres components according to the instructions in the "DataHub for Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Guide". 6. Update static data in the control database: a. Use SQL statements to delete the contents of the following tables (i.e. DELETE FROM DBA_PRED_CHECKS): DBA_PRED_CHECKS DBA_PRED_RULE DBA_PRED_TIMES DBA_PRED_ALERT COMMIT b. Run the pred_checks_xxxx.sql files, located in "datahub_dir/system_dir/sql", where xxxx is the database system name you are using. db2_2 = DB2 for AIX V2 db6000 = DB2 for AIX V1 ing64 = Ingres 6.4 ora7 = Oracle Release 7 syb = Sybase SQL Server Release 10 or 11 c. Run the syl_ins_xxxx.sql files, located in "datahub_dir/system_dir/sql", where xxxx is the database system name you are using. Then issue a COMMIT. 7. Restart DataHub processes: /etc/rc.dhudrv /etc/rc.dhu_gcs /etc/rc.dhuwdg /etc/rc.dhu_ia 8. Start DataHub To apply this PTF in conjunction with a new or migrated DataHub installation: 1. Install the Control Point or Managed Host according to the instructions in the "DataHub for Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Guide" 2. Install this PTF: a. Using installp: Enter SMIT and select the following panels: Software Installation and Maintenance Install and Update Software Install/Update Selectable Software (Custom Install) For AIX 3.2.5, Install Subsystems (Selective Fixes) For AIX 4.1 and above, Install/Update From All Available Software Enter the directory where the installp pkgs reside - Control Point: Select dhu.pkg - Managed Host: Select dhumh.pkg b. Using tar: - cd datahub_dir - Control Point: tar -xvf /tmp/U443761/aix.tar - Managed Host: tar -xvf /tmp/U443761/aixmh.tar 3. If you are managing an Ingres database, rebuild the DataHub Ingres components according to the instructions in the "DataHub for Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Guide". 4. Configure DataHub according to the instructions in the "DataHub for Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Guide" Please read the "datahub_dir/readme/En_US/README.PTF1 file included in the PTF for additional information about the defects, new function, and other helpful hints. ENDSET LABELTXT = DataHub for UNIX OS Version 1, Release 2 ENDSET