Data Warehouse ERwin bridge instructions for FTP site. In this directory is the ERwin bridge extractor, this bridge is intended for use with DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT V7.1. Directories documented below are created by the V7.1 installation process. Here are the steps to install the bridge and its associated files: 1. Unzip all the files in file into a temporary directory 2. From this temporary directory, copy all files with extension *.tag to your ..\sqllib\templates\isv This directory is found via the environmental variable VWS_TEMPLATES 3. From this temporary directory, copy all files with extension *.h to your ..\sqllib\templates\include This directory is found via the environmental variable VWS_TEMPLATES 4. From this temporary directory, copy all files with extension *.typ to your ..\sqllib\dgwin\types This directory is found via the environmental variable DGWPATH. 5. From this temporary directory, copy all files with extension *.ico to your ..\sqllib\dgwin\types This directory is found via the environmental variable DGWPATH. 6. From this temporary directory, copy all files with extension *.gif to your ..\sqllib\icuweb This directory is part of the Information Catalog for the Web interface and these files will be moved to a Net.Data directory on a web server. If you have already configured the Information Catalog for the Web interface you will need to move these additional *.gif files to the appropriate image file on the web server. 7. Unzip file and install the ERwin bridge through its setup.exe ==> 8. Review the readme.txt file that is shipped with the ERwin bridge. If any of the a above directories do not exist due to installation options, then creating a tag file for later import into the Data Warehouse Center or the Information Catalog manager may be impacted. When you import the *.tag file created by the ERwin bridge into the Information Catalog Manager, specify to the Information Catalog import function to get icons from ..\sqllib\dgwin\types