Release Notes

14.3 Code Page Support for Import, Export and Load Utilities

The import, export and load utilities can now be used to transfer data from the new Chinese code page GB 18030 (code page identifier 5488) and the new Japanese code page ShiftJIS X0213 (code page identifier 1394) to DB2 UDB Unicode databases. In addition, the export utility can be used to transfer data from DB2 UDB Unicode databases to GB 18030 or ShiftJIS X0213 code page data.

For example, the following command will load the Shift_JISX0213 data file u/jp/user/x0213/data.del residing on a remotely connected client into MYTABLE:

   db2 load client from /u/jp/user/x0213/data.del 
       of del modified by codepage=1394 insert into mytable

where MYTABLE is located on a DB2 UDB Unicode database.

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