Release Notes

14.6 Chapter 4. AutoLoader

14.6.1 AutoLoader Restrictions and Limitations

The following have been added to the restrictions and limitations for the AutoLoader utility:

  1. AutoLoader must be executed on one of the server nodes.
  2. If multiple instances exist, the AutoLoader can only be used against databases that are local to the instance specified by the DB2INSTANCE environment variable.

14.6.2 Using AutoLoader

The following has been added to the "Before Using AutoLoader" section:

Prior to invoking the AutoLoader utility ensure that rsh and/or rexec are functioning properly. Rexec is used to spawn remote processes if the password is specified in the AutoLoader configuration file. Otherwise, rsh is used.

14.6.3 rexecd Required to Run AutoLoader When Authentication Set to YES

In the AutoLoader Options section the following note will be added to the AUTHENTICATION and PASSWORD parameters description:

In a Linux environment, if you are running the AutoLoader with the authentication option set to YES, rexecd must be enabled on all machines. If rexecd is not enabled the following error message will be generated: Connection refused
   SQL6554N  An error occurred when attempting to remotely execute a process.

The following error messages will be generated in the db2diag.log file:

   2000-10-11-   Instance:svtdbm   Node:000
   PID:19612(db2atld)   Appid:
   oper_system_services  sqloRemoteExec   Probe:31

14.6.4 AutoLoader May Hang During a Fork on AIX Systems Prior to 4.3.3

The AutoLoader is a multithreaded program and one of the threads forks off another process. Forking off a child process causes an image of the parent's memory to be created in the child.

On AIX systems prior to AIX 4.3.3, it is possible that locks used by libc.a to manage multiple threads allocating memory from the heap within the same process will be held by a non-forking thread. Since the non-forking thread will not exist in the child process, this lock will never be released in the child, causing the parent to sometimes hang.

AIX 4.3.3 contains a fix for a libc problem that could cause the AutoLoader to hang during a fork.

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