Release Notes

34.1 Corrections to FLG messages

34.1.1 Message FLG0260E

The second sentence of the message explanation should say:

   The error caused a rollback of the information catalog,
   which failed.  The information catalog is not in stable
   condition, but no changes were made. 

34.1.2 Message FLG0051E

The second bullet in the message explanation should say:

   The information catalog contains too many objects or object types. 

The administrator response should say:

   Delete some objects or object types from the current
   information catalog using the import function. 

34.1.3 Message FLG0003E

The message explanation should say:

   The information catalog must be registered before you can use it. 
  The information catalog might not have been registered correctly. 

34.1.4 Message FLG0372E

The first sentence of the message explanation should say:

   The ATTACHMENT-IND value was ignored for an object
   because that object is an Attachment object. 

34.1.5 Message FLG0615E

The second sentence of the message should say:

   The Information Catalog Manager has encountered an unexpected
   database error or cannot find the bind file
   in the current directory or path.

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