Release Notes

50.2 Accessibility Features of DB2 UDB Version 7

The DB2 UDB family of products includes a number of features that make the products more accessible for people with disabilities. These features include:

50.2.1 Keyboard Input and Navigation Keyboard Input

The DB2 Control Center can be operated using only the keyboard. Menu items and controls provide access keys that allow users to activate a control or select a menu item directly from the keyboard. These keys are self-documenting, in that the access keys are underlined on the control or menu where they appear. Keyboard Focus

In UNIX-based systems, the position of the keyboard focus is highlighted, indicating which area of the window is active and where the user's keystrokes will have an effect.

50.2.2 Features for Accessible Display

The DB2 Control Center has a number of features that enhance the user interface and improve accessibility for users with low vision. These accessibility enhancements include support for high-contrast settings and customizable font properties. High-Contrast Mode

The Control Center interface supports the high-contrast-mode option provided by the operating system. This feature assists users who require a higher degree of contrast between background and foreground colors. Font Settings

The Control Center interface allows users to select the color, size, and font for the text in menus and dialog windows. Non-dependence on Color

Users do not need to distinguish between colors in order to use any of the functions in this product.

50.2.3 Alternative Alert Cues

The user can opt to receive alerts through audio or visual cues.

50.2.4 Compatibility with Assistive Technologies

The DB2 Control Center interface is compatible with screen reader applications such as Via Voice. When in application mode, the Control Center interface has the properties required for these accessibility applications to make onscreen information available to blind users.

50.2.5 Accessible Documentation

Documentation for the DB2 family of products is available in HTML format. This allows users to view documentation according to the display preferences set in their browsers. It also allows the use of screen readers and other assistive technologies.

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