
12.4 db2inidb - Initialize a Mirrored Database

The description of the RELOCATE USING configfile parameter should appear as follows:

Specifies that the database files are to be relocated based on the information listed in the configuration file prior to initializing the database as a snapshot, standby or mirror.

For information on the format of the configuration file, see the Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference.

12.4.1 Usage Information

If the RELOCATE USING configfile parameter is specified and the database is relocated successfully, then the configuration file is copied into the database directory and renamed db2path.cfg. During any subsequent crash recoveries or rollfoward recoveries, this configuration file is used to dynamically rename the container paths during the log file processing.

If you initialize a snapshot or a mirror database, then the configuration file is removed automatically after the recovery completes. If you initialize a standby database, then the configuration file is not only removed after the recovery completes but is also removed if you cancel the recovery process.

If you are working with a standby database that you are keeping in the pending state so that you can continually roll it forward, and you add new containers to the original database, then you can manually update the db2path.cfg file to indicate where the containers should be stored for the standby database. If you do not specify a location for the new containers, then DB2 will attempt to store them in the same location as the originals.

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