
41.7 Chapter 4. Configuring CLI/ODBC and Running Sample Applications

|41.7.1 Configuration Keywords



|Disregard the last paragraph in the CURRENTFUNCTIONPATH keyword. The |correct information is as follows:

|This keyword is used as part of the process for resolving unqualified |function and stored procedure references that may have been defined in a |schema name other than the current user's schema. The order of the |schema names determines the order in which the function and procedure names |will be resolved. For more information on function and procedure |resolution, refer to the SQL Reference.



|The following describes this new configuration keyword: |

|Keyword Description:
|Allows CLI applications to be excluded from the trace function.

|db2cli.ini Keyword Syntax:
|SKIPTRACE = 0 | 1

|Default Setting:
|Do not skip the trace function.

|DB2 CLI/ODBC Settings Tab:
|This keyword cannot be set using the CLI/ODBC Settings notebook. |The db2cli.ini file must be modified directly to make use of this |keyword.

|Usage Notes:
|This keyword can improve performance by allowing the trace function to |bypass CLI applications. Therefore, if the DB2 trace facility db2trc is |turned on and this keyword is set to 1, the trace will not contain information |from the execution of the CLI application.

|Turning SKIPTRACE on is recommended for production environments on the UNIX |platform where trace information is not required. Test environments may |benefit, however, from having trace output, so this keyword can be turned off |(or left at its default setting) when detailed execution information is |desired.

|SKIPTRACE must be set in the [COMMON] section of the |db2cli.ini configuration file. |

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