Release Notes

|12.7 db2move

|The db2move tool now has two addtional options, --aw and |--sn. Full documentation for this tool follows:

|Database Movement Tool

| |

|This tool facilitates the movement of large numbers of tables between DB2 |databases located on workstations. The tool queries the system catalog |tables for a particular database and compiles a list of all user |tables. It then exports these tables in PC/IXF format. The |PC/IXF files can be imported or loaded to another local DB2 database on the |same system, or can be transferred to another workstation platform and |imported or loaded to a DB2 database on that platform.

Tables with structured type columns are not moved when this tool is |used. |


|This tool calls the DB2 export, import, and load APIs, depending on the |action requested by the user. Therefore, the requesting user ID must |have the correct authorization required by those APIs, or the request will |fail.

|Command Syntax

|                            .-------------------------.
|                            V                         |
|                              +--tc--table-creators-+
|                              +--tn--table-names----+
|                              +--sn--schema names---+
|                              +--io--import-option--+
|                              +--lo--load-option----+
|                              +--l--lobpaths--------+
|                              +--u--userid----------+
|                              +--p--password--------+
|                              '--aw-----------------'

|Command Parameters |

|Name of the database.

|Must be one of: EXPORT, IMPORT, or LOAD.

|table-creators. The default is all creators.

|This is an EXPORT action only. If specified, only those tables |created by the creators listed with this option are exported. If not |specified, the default is to use all creators. When specifying multiple |creators, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are allowed between |creator IDs. The maximum number of creators that can be specified is |10. This option can be used with the "-tn" and "-sn" options |to select the tables for export.

|An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character that can be |placed anywhere in the string.

|table-names. The default is all user tables.

|This is an EXPORT action only. If specified, only those tables whose |names match exactly those in the specified string are exported. If not |specified, the default is to use all user tables. When specifying |multiple table names, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are |allowed between table names. The maximum number of table names that can |be specified is 10. This option can be used with the "-tc" and |"-sn" options to select the tables for export. db2move |will only export those tables whose names are matched with specified table |names and whose creators are matched with specified table creators.

|An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character that can be |placed anywhere in the string.

|schema names. The default is ALL SCHEMAS.

|This is an EXPORT action only. If specified, only those tables whose |schemas match exactly those in the specified string are exported. If |not specified, the default is to use all schemas. When specifying |multiple schema names, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are |allowed between schema names. The maximum number of schema names that |can be specified is 10. This option can be used with the "-tc" and |"-tn" options to select the tables for export. db2move |will only export those tables whose names are matched with specified table |names, whose schemas are matched with specific table schemas, and whose |creators are matched with specified table creators.

|An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character that can be |placed anywhere in the string.

Schema names less than 8 characters in length are padded to be 8 characters |long. For example, if you want to include the schemas "AUSER" and |"BUSER"and use the wildcard character, you must specify -sn |*USER*. |

|import-option. The default is REPLACE_CREATE.


|load-option. The default is INSERT.

|Valid options are INSERT and REPLACE.

|lobpaths. The default is the current directory.

|This option specifies the absolute path names where LOB files are created |(as part of EXPORT) or searched for (as part of IMPORT or LOAD). When |specifying multiple LOB paths, each must be separated by commas; no |blanks are allowed between LOB paths. If the first path runs out of |space (during EXPORT), or the files are not found in the path (during IMPORT |or LOAD), the second path will be used, and so on.

|If the action is EXPORT, and LOB paths are specified, all files in the LOB |path directories are deleted, the directories are removed, and new directories |are created. If not specified, the current directory is used for the |LOB path.

|userid. The default is the logged on user ID.

|Both user ID and password are optional. However, if one is |specified, the other must be specified. If the command is run on a |client connecting to a remote server, user ID and password should be |specified.

|password. The default is the logged on password.

|Both user ID and password are optional. However, if one is |specified, the other must be specified. If the command is run on a |client connecting to a remote server, user ID and password should be |specified.

|allow warnings.

|Used for the EXPORT action only. If this option is specified, then |any tables that receive warnings during export will be included in the |db2move.lst file. If the option is omitted, then any tables that |cause warnings during export are not included in the db2move.lst |file. A table's |.ixf file and .msg file are generated regardless of whether or |not this option is used. |

|Examples |

|Usage Notes

|This tool exports, imports, or loads user-created tables. If a |database is to be duplicated from one operating system to another operating |system, db2move facilitates the movement of the tables. It |is also necessary to move all other objects associated with the tables, such |as aliases, views, triggers, user-defined functions, and so on. |db2look (DB2 Statistics and DDL Extraction Tool; see the Command Reference) can facilitate the movement of some of |these objects by extracting the data definition language (DDL) statements from |the database.

|When export, import, or load APIs are called by db2move, the |FileTypeMod parameter is set to lobsinfile. That |is, LOB data is kept in separate files from PC/IXF files. There are |26 000 file names available for LOB files.

|The LOAD action must be run locally on the machine where the database and |the data file reside. When the load API is called by |db2move, the CopyTargetList parameter is set to |NULL; that is, no copying is done. If logretain is on, |the load operation cannot be rolled forward later. The table space |where the loaded tables reside is placed in backup pending state and is not |accessible. A full database backup, or a table space backup, is |required to take the table space out of backup pending state.

|When issued on a Version 5.2 client against a Version 6 database, |this tool does not support table or column names that are greater than 18 |characters in length.

|Files Required/Generated When Using EXPORT: |

|Files Required/Generated When Using IMPORT: |

|Files Required/Generated When Using LOAD: |

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