Release Notes

|20.3 Message Structure

|MQSeries does not, itself, mandate or support any particular structuring of |the messages it transports.

|Other products, such as MQSeries Integrator (MQSI) do offer support for |messages formed as C or Cobol or as XML strings. Structured messages in |MQSI are defined by a message repository. XML messages typically have a |self-describing message structure and may also be managed through the |repository. Messages may also be unstructured, requiring user code to |parse or construct the message content. Such messages are often |semi-structured, that is, they use either byte positions or fixed delimiters |to separate the fields within a message. Support for such |semi-structured messages is provided by the MQSeries Assist Wizard. |Support for XML messages is provided through some new features to the DB2 XML |Extender.

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