Release Notes

|22.21 Working with Large Query Results

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|It is easy for a user to produce a query that returns a large number of |rows. It is not so easy for a user to predict how many rows might |actually be returned. With a query that could potentially return |thousands (or millions) of rows, there are two problems: |

  1. |It can take a long time to retrieve the result.
  2. |A large amount of client memory can be required to hold the result. |

|To facilitate this process, DB2 breaks up large result sets into |chunks. It will retrieve and display the results of a query one chunk |at a time.

|As a result: |

  1. |Display time will be reduced as the first chunk of a query is available |for viewing while the remaining chunks are being retrieved.
  2. |Memory requirements on the client will be reduced as only one chunk of a |query result will be stored on the client at any given time. |

|To control the number of query result rows in |memory:: |

  1. |Open the General page of the Tool Settings notebook.
  2. |In the Maximum size section, select: | |

|When working with the results of a query in the Sample Contents window or |on the Query Results page of the Command Center, the Rows in memory |field indicates the number of rows being held in memory for the query. |This number will never be greater than the Maximum size set. |Click on Next to retrieve to the next chunk of the result |set. When Next is inactive, you have reached the end of the |result set.

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