Release Notes

3.4 Error Messages when Attempting to Launch Netscape

If you encounter the following error messages when attempting to launch Netscape:

   Cannot find file <file path> (or one of its components).
     Check to ensure the path and filename are correct and that all
     required libraries are available.
   Unable to open "D:\Program Files\SQLLIB\CC\..\doc\html\db2help\XXXXX.htm"

you should take the following steps to correct this problem on Windows NT, 95, or 98 (see below for what to do on Windows 2000):

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs --> Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer opens.
  2. From Windows Explorer, select View --> Options. The Options Notebook opens.
  3. Click the File types tab. The File types page opens.
  4. Highlight Netscape Hypertext Document in the Registered file types field and click Edit. The Edit file type window opens.
  5. Highlight "Open" in the Actions field.
  6. Click the Edit button. The Editing action for type window opens.
  7. Uncheck the Use DDE check box.
  8. In the Application used to perform action field, make sure that "%1" appears at the very end of the string (include the quotation marks, and a blank space before the first quotation mark).

If you encounter the messages on Windows 2000, you should take the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer opens.
  2. From Windows Explorer, select Tools --> Folder Options. The Folder Options notebook opens.
  3. Click the File Types tab.
  4. On the File Types page, in the Registered file types field, highlight: HTM Netscape Hypertext Document and click Advanced. The Edit File Type window opens.
  5. Highlight "open" in the Actions field.
  6. Click the Edit button. The Editing Action for Type window opens.
  7. Uncheck the Use DDE check box.
  8. In the Application used to perform action field, make sure that "%1" appears at the very end of the string (include the quotation marks, and a blank space before the first quotation mark).
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for the HTML Netscape Hypertext Document and SHTML Netscape Hypertext Document file types.

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