Release Notes

|31.2 Enhancement to Information Catalog Manager

|Information Catalog Manager includes the following enhancements:

|ICM now supports the import of ETI filter information for the source or |target database, table or column. Upon Register to Warehouse, a new ICM |object type ETI Conversion Data is used to store the filter |information. These objects are then linked to the source or target |database, table or column for which it was defined.

|ICM has the ability to link a particular source or target database, table |or column with multiple ETI Conversion Data objects as the result of |registering different ETI Conversions to the same ICM catalog.

|The same ability applies to Transformations in that a particular target |column can now contain multiple Tranformations as the result of registering |different ETI Conversions to the same ICM catalog. To do this, ICM made |changes to the Transformation key when importing a ETI*Extract mapping.

|To enable these features, use ETI*Extract 4.2.1 with |MetaScheduler 4.1.0 to register with Data Warehouse |Manager. More information on enabling these features is available in |the Hints and Tips section of DB2 Warehouse Manager at |Search on the keywords "ETI" or "Application Data".

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