Release Notes

|50.10 Federated Limitations with MPP Partitioned Tables

|When you attempt to use one SQL statement to select data from a data source |and insert, update, or delete the data directly in an MPP partitioned table on |your DB2 federated server, you will receive the SQL0901N error. The |federated functionality does not allow you to select from a nickname and |insert into an MPP partitioned table.

|Once you apply FixPak 4 (or above), you can use these steps to select data |and insert the data into an MPP partitioned table: |

  1. |In the customer application environment, export the DB2NODE environment |variable to designate the node to which the application should always |connect.
    |       EXPORT DB2NODE=x 

    |where x is a node number.

  2. |Create a nodegroup which contains only the designated node.
    |       CREATE NODEGROUP nodegroup_name ON NODE(x)

    |where x is the node number.

  3. |Create a tablespace in the nodegroup.
    |CREATE TABLESPACE tablespace_name IN NODEGROUP nodegroup_name
  4. |Create a temporary table in the tablespace.
    |CREATE TABLE temp_table_name IN tablespace_name
  5. |Divide the INSERT operation in the application into two steps: | |

|Dividing the INSERT statement into two statements changes the statement |level commit and rollback semantics. For example, instead of rolling |back one statement, you will now have to rollback two statements. |Additionally, if you change the node number associated with the DB2NODE |environment variable, you must invalidate the application package and |rebind.

|These steps allow you to select data from data sources and insert the data |into an MPP partitioned table. You will still receive the SQL0901N |error when you attempt to use one statement to select data from a data source |and update or delete the data in an MPP partitioned table. This |restriction will be elimiated in DB2 Universal Database Version 8.

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