Release Notes

50.14 Service Account Requirements for DB2 on Windows NT and Windows 2000

During the installation of DB2 for Windows NT or Windows 2000, the setup program creates several Windows services and assigns a service account for each service. To run DB2 properly, the setup program grants the following user rights to the service account that is associated with the DB2 service:

If you want to use a different service account for the DB2 services, you must grant these user rights to the service account.

In addition to these user rights, the service account must also have write access to the directory where the DB2 product is installed.

The service account for the DB2 Administration Server service (DB2DAS00 service) must also have the authority to start and stop other DB2 services (that is, the service account must belong to the Power Users group) and have DB2 SYSADM authority against any DB2 instances that it administers.

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