Release Notes

5.20 Working with the DB2 Data Links File Manager: Cleaning up After Dropping a DB2 Data Links Manager from a DB2 Database

When a DB2 Data Links Manager is dropped from a database using the DROP DATALINKS MANAGER command, the command itself does not clean up the corresponding information on the DB2 Data Links Manager. Users can explicitly initiate unlinking of any files linked to the database and garbage collection of backup information. This can be done using the dlfm drop_dlm command. This command initiates asynchronous deletion of all information for a particular database. The DB2 Data Links Manager must be running for this command to be successful. It is extremely important that this command only be used after dropping a DB2 Data Links Manager; otherwise, important information about the DB2 Data Links Manager will be lost and cannot be recovered.

To initiate unlink processing and garbage collection of backup information for a particular database:

  1. Log on to the system as the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator.
  2. Issue the following command:
       dlfm drop_dlm database instance hostname
           database is the name of the remote DB2 UDB database;
           instance is the instance under which the database resides; and
           hostname is the host name of the DB2 UDB server
             on which the database resides.
  3. Log off.

For a complete usage scenario that shows the context in which this command should be used, see the Command Reference.

A new error code has been created for this command (see 5.22, DLFM1001E (New Error Message)).

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