Release Notes

|6.7 Accessing Microsoft SQL Server Data Sources using ODBC (new chapter)

| |

|Before you add Microsoft SQL Server data sources to a DB2 federated server, |you need to install and configure the ODBC driver on the federated |server. See the installation procedures in the documentation that comes |with the ODBC driver for specific details on how install the ODBC |driver.

|To set up your federated server to access data stored in Microsoft SQL |Server data sources, you need to: |

  1. |Install and configure the ODBC driver on the federated server. See |the installation procedures in the documentation that comes with the ODBC |driver for specific details on how to install the ODBC driver. |

    |On DB2 for Windows NT servers:
    |Configure a system DSN using the ODBC device manager. In the |Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator, specify the SQL Server driver and |proceed through the dialog to add a new System DSN. Specify "SQL Server |Authentication using Login ID and password provided by the user."

    |On DB2 for AIX servers:
    |Install the threaded version of the libraries supplied by MERANT, specify |the MERANT library directory as the first entry in the LIBPATH, and set up the |.odbc.ini file. |
  2. |Install DB2 Relational Connect Version 7.2. See 6.3.4, Installing DB2 Relational Connect.
  3. |Add Microsoft SQL Server data sources to your federated server.
  4. |Specify the Microsoft SQL Server code pages. (Windows NT only) |

|This chapter discusses steps 3 and 4.

|The instructions in this chapter apply to Windows NT and AIX |platforms. The platform-specific differences are noted where they |occur.

|6.7.1 Adding Microsoft SQL Server Data Sources to a Federated Server

|After you install the ODBC driver and DB2 Relational Connect, add Microsoft |SQL Server data sources to your federated server using these steps: |

  1. |Set the environment variables (AIX only).
  2. |Run the shell script (AIX only).
  3. |Optional: Set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable. (AIX |only)
  4. |Recycle the DB2 instance (AIX only).
  5. |Create the wrapper.
  6. |Create the server.
  7. |Create a user mapping.
  8. |Create nicknames for the tables and views.
  9. |Optional: Obtain the ODBC traces. |

|These steps are explained in detail in the following sections.

| Step 1: Set the environment variables (AIX only)


|Set data source environment variables by modifying the |db2dj.ini file and issuing the db2set |command. The db2dj.ini file contains configuration |information to connect to Microsoft SQL Server data sources. The |db2set command updates the DB2 profile registry with your |settings.

|In a partitioned database system, you can use a single |db2dj.ini file for all nodes in a particular instance, or |you can use a unique db2dj.ini file for one or more nodes in |a particular instance. A nonpartitioned database system can have only |one db2dj.ini file per instance.

|To set the environment variables: |

  1. |Edit the db2dj.ini file located in |$HOME/sqllib/cfg/, and set the following environment |variables:
    |DJX_ODBC_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to the Merant driver>/lib

|Issue the db2set command to update the DB2 profile registry with |your changes. The syntax of db2set is dependent upon your |database system structure: |

| |

|To set the path to the client library, issue these commands:

|db2set DB2LIBPATH=<path to the Merant client library>

| Step 2: Run the shell script (AIX only)


|The shell script links the client libraries to |the wrapper libraries. To run the shell script:


| Step 3: Optional: Set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable (AIX only)


|If you find it takes an inordinate amount of time to access the Microsoft |SQL Server data source, you can improve the performance by setting the |DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable to load the wrapper when the federated server |initializes rather than when you attempt to access the data source. Set |the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable to include the wrapper library that |corresponds to the wrapper that you specified in Step 5. For |example: |

|On DB2 for Windows NT servers:
|db2set DB2_DJ_COMM=djxmssql3.dll

|On DB2 for AIX servers:
|db2set DB2_DJ_COMM=libmssql3.a

|Ensure that there are no spaces on either side of the equal sign |(=).

|See the DB2 SQL Reference for more information about wrapper |library names.

| Step 4: Recycle the DB2 instance (AIX only)

|To ensure that the environment variables are set in the program, recycle |the DB2 instance. When you recycle the instance, you refresh the DB2 |instance to accept the changes that you made. Recycle the DB2 instance |by issuing the following commands:


| Step 5: Create the wrapper


|DB2 Universal Database has two different protocols, called wrappers, that |you can use to access Microsoft SQL Server data sources. Wrappers are |the mechanism that federated servers use to communicate with and retrieve data |from data sources. The wrapper that you use depends on the platform on |which DB2 Universal Database is running. Use Table 3 as a guide to selecting the appropriate wrapper.

|Table 3. ODBC drivers

ODBC driver Platform Wrapper Name
ODBC 3.0 (or higher) driver Windows NT DJXMSSQL3
MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC 3.6 driver AIX MSSQLODBC3

|Use the CREATE WRAPPER statement to specify the wrapper that will be |used to access Microsoft SQL Server data sources. The following example |shows a CREATE WRAPPER statement:


|where DJXMSSQL3 is the default wrapper name used on a DB2 for |Windows NT server (using the ODBC 3.0 driver). If you have a DB2 |for AIX server, you would specify the MSSQLODBC3 wrapper name.

|You can substitute the default wrapper name with a name that you |choose. However, if you do so, you must include the LIBRARY parameter |and the name of the wrapper library for your federated server platform in the |CREATE WRAPPER statement. For example: |

|On DB2 for Windows NT servers:
|CREATE WRAPPER wrapper_name LIBRARY 'djxmssql3.dll'

|where wrapper_name is the name that you want to give the |wrapper, and 'djxmssql3.dll' is the library name.

|On DB2 for AIX servers:
|CREATE WRAPPER wrapper_name LIBRARY 'libmssql3.a'

|where wrapper_name is the name that you want to give the |wrapper, and 'libdjxmssql.a' is the library name. |

|See the CREATE WRAPPER statement in the DB2 SQL Reference for |more information about wrapper library names.

| Step 6: Create the server


|Use the CREATE SERVER statement to define each Microsoft SQL Server data |source to which you want to connect. For example:

|OPTIONS (NODE 'sqlnode', DBNAME 'database_name')

|where: |

|Is a name that you assign to the Microsoft SQL Server server. This |name must be unique.

|Is the type of data source to which you are configuring access.

|Is the version of Microsoft SQL Server that you are accessing. DB2 |Universal Database supports versions 6.5 and 7.0 of Microsoft |SQL Server.

|Is the wrapper name that you defined in the CREATE WRAPPER |statement.

|Is the system DSN name that references the Microsoft SQL Server version of |Microsoft SQL Server that you are accessing. This value is case |sensitive. DB2 Universal Database supports versions 6.5 and |7.0 of Microsoft SQL Server.

|Although the name of the node (System DSN name) is specified as an |option in the CREATE SERVER statement, it is required for Microsoft SQL Server |data sources. On Windows, obtain the DSN from the System DSN tab of the |Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator tool. On AIX, obtain the DSN |from the .odbc.ini file in the DB2 instance owners home |directory.

|See the DB2 SQL Reference for additional options that you can |use with the CREATE WRAPPER statement.

|Is the name of the database to which you are connecting.

|Although the name of the database is specified as an option in the CREATE |SERVER statement, it is required for Microsoft SQL Server data sources. |

| Step 7: Create a user mapping

|If a user ID or password at the federated server is different from a user |ID or password at a Microsoft SQL Server data source, use the CREATE USER |MAPPING statement to map the local user ID to the user ID and password defined |at the Microsoft SQL Server data source; for example:


|where: |

|Is the local user ID that you are mapping to a user ID defined at the |Microsoft SQL Server data source.

|Is the name of the server that you defined in the CREATE SERVER |statement.

|Is the login ID at the Microsoft SQL Server data source to which you |are mapping db2user. This value is case sensitive.

|Is the password associated with 'mssqluser'. |This value is case sensitive. |

|See the DB2 SQL Reference for additional options that you can |use with the CREATE USER MAPPING statement.

| Step 8: Create nicknames for tables and views

|Assign a nickname for each view or table located in your Microsoft SQL |Server data source that you want to access. You will use these |nicknames when you query the Microsoft SQL Server data source. Use the |CREATE NICKNAME statement to assign a nickname. Nicknames are case |sensitive. The following example shows a CREATE NICKNAME |statement:

|CREATE NICKNAME mssqlsales FOR server_name.salesdata.europe

|where: |

|Is a unique nickname for the Microsoft SQL Server table or view.

|Is a three-part identifier that follows this format:


|Double quotes are recommended for the remote_schema_name |and remote_table_name portions of the nickname. |

|When you create a nickname, DB2 attempts to access the data source catalog |tables (Microsoft SQL Server refers to these as system tables). This |tests the connection to the data source. If the connection fails, you |receive an error message.

|Repeat this step for all database tables and views for which you want to |create nicknames.

|For more information about the CREATE NICKNAME statement, see the DB2 |SQL Reference. For more information about nicknames in general, |and to verify data type mappings see the DB2 Administration |Guide.

| Step 9: Optional: Obtain ODBC traces


|If you are experiencing problems when accessing the data source, you can |obtain ODBC tracing information to analyze and resolve these problems. |To ensure the ODBC tracing works properly, use the trace tool provided by the |ODBC Data Source Administrator. Activating tracing impacts your system |performance, therefore you should turn off tracing once you have resolved the |problems.

|6.7.2 Reviewing Microsoft SQL Server code pages (Windows NT only)


|Microsoft SQL Server supports many of the common National Language Support |(NLS) code page options that DB2 UDB supports. Data sources that are |using the same code set as DB2 require no translation. Table 3 lists |the code pages that are supported by both DB2 Universal Database and Microsoft |SQL Server.

|Table 4. DB2 UDB and Microsoft SQL Server Code Page Options

Code page Language supported
1252 ISO character set
850 Multilingual
437 U.S. English
874 Thai
932 Japanese
936 Chinese (simplified)
949 Korean
950 Chinese (traditional)
1250 Central European
1251 Cyrillic
1253 Greek
1254 Turkish
1255 Hebrew
1256 Arabic

|When the DB2 federated server and the Microsoft SQL Server are running |different National Language Support (NLS) code pages either your Microsoft SQL |Server data sources must be configured to correspond to these equivalents, or |the client code must be able to detect the mismatch and flag it as an error or |map the data by using its own semantics. If no conversion table can be |found from the source code page to the target code page, DB2 issues an error |message. Refer to your Microsoft SQL Server documentation for more |information.

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