Release Notes

|2.8 Error in XML Readme Files

|The README.TXT file for DB2 XML Extender Version 7.1 says the |following under "Considerations": |


3. The default version of DB2 UDB is DB2 UDB Version |7.1. If you wish to use DB2 UDB Version 6.1 on AIX and |Solaris systems, you should ensure that you are running with DB2 UDB |V6.1 instance and with the DB2 UDB V6.1 libraries. |

|This is incorrect. The DB2 XML Extender is supported only with |DB2 Version 7.1 and 7.2.

|The files readme.aix, readme.nt, and readme.sun list |Software Requirements of: |

|This is incorrect. The DB2 XML Extender requires DB2 Version |7.1 or 7.2.

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