Release Notes

|25.4 Support for Setting Result Set Properties

|In FixPak 7, the Stored Procedure Builder has improved performance when |running stored procedures that return result sets.

|With the Stored Procedure Builder, you can run a stored procedure for |testing purposes. Running stored procedures using the Stored Procedure |Builder allows you to test for a successful build to a database and for the |presence of a result set. If your stored procedure returns a large |result set, you might want to limit the number of rows and columns that |display in the result pane.

|To edit result set properties for stored procedures: |

  1. |Click File -> Environment Properties.
  2. |Click the Output tab in the Environment Properties |notebook.
  3. |To display all rows of a stored procedure result set in the result pane, |select the Display all rows check box. To limit the number |of rows displayed in the result pane, clear the Display all rows |check box and type a number in the Number of rows to display |field.
  4. |To display all of the data in each column of a stored procedure result set |in the result pane, select the Display all data in each column |check box. To limit the column width displayed in the result pane, |clear the Display all data in each column check box and type a |number (representing the number of characters) in the Maximum column |width field. Data is truncated to fit the specified maximum |column width when it is displayed in the result pane.
  5. |Click OK to apply your changes. |

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