Release Notes

|29.8 SAP Step Information

|29.8.1 Possible to Create Logically Inconsistent Table

|If all of the following conditions are met, the resulting target table may |not be logically consistent. |

  1. |The BO has GetList and GetDetail export parameters and you have mapped all |key fields.
  2. |On the Output Parameters page of the Properties notebook for the SAP step, |you select a GetList export parameter whose SAP parameter name differs from |the one used for the parameter mapping.
    SAP parameter name refers to the part of the parameter appearing before the |period in the fully qualified name. For example, for the parameter, |DocList.DOCNUMBER, "DocList" is the SAP parameter name. |
  3. |On the Output Parameters page of the Properties notebook for the SAP step, |you select the GetDetail export parameter. |


|DocumentNumber is a key field. DocList.DOCNUMBER and |DocNumberSelection.OPTION are GetList export parameters. |DocData.USERNAME is a GetDetail export parameter.

|You map DocumentNumber to DocList.DOCNUMBER. (Condition 1)

|You select DocNumberSelection.OPTION as an output parameter. |(Condition 2, since DocNumberSelection and DocList are different SAP parameter |names.)

|You select DocData.USERNAME as an output parameter. |(Condition 3, since it is a GetDetail export parameter.)

|These conditions result in a target table whose column sources are GetList |and GetDetail parameters. The logical consistency of the relationship |between the columns, however, is not assured.

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