Release Notes

4.14 Define User ID and Password in IBM Communications Server for Windows NT (CS/NT)

If you are using APPC as the communication protocol for remote DB2 clients to connect to your DB2 server and if you use CS/NT as the SNA product, make sure that the following keywords are set correctly in the CS/NT configuration file. This file is commonly found in the x:\ibmcs\private directory.

4.14.1 Node Definition

This parameter allows the user to determine how the node is to handle security information present in the ATTACH if the TP is not configured for security

This parameter allows the user to determine if security parameters are present in the ATTACH and to ignore them if the TP is not configured for security.

If you use IGNORE_IF_NOT_DEFINED, you don't have to define a User ID and password in CS/NT.

This parameter allows the user to determine if security parameters are present in the ATTACH and verify them even if the TP is not configured for security. This is the default.

If you use VERIFY_EVEN_IF_NOT_DEFINED, you have to define User ID and password in CS/NT.

To define the CS/NT User ID and password, perform the following steps:

  1. Start --> Programs --> IBM Communications Server --> SNA Node Configuration. The Welcome to Communications Server Configuration window opens.
  2. Choose the configuration file you want to modify. Click Next. The Choose a Configuration Scenario window opens.
  3. Highlight CPI-C, APPC or 5250 Emulation. Click Finish. The Communications Server SNA Node Window opens.
  4. Click the [+] beside CPI-C and APPC.
  5. Click the [+] beside LU6.2 Security.
  6. Right click on User Passwords and select Create. The Define a User ID Password window opens.
  7. Fill in the User ID and password. Click OK. Click Finish to accept the changes.

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