******************************************************************** Product Name : DB2 for SGI Version 7.1 PTF Number : U472080 Package Date : Wed Jul 19 15:56:50 EDT 2000 Build Level : s000727 ******************************************************************** List of APARs that went into U472080 APAR No. Abstract -------- ------------------------------------------------------- IY06572 Problems doing SQLBindCol after each fetch IY07623 Signal 11 trap in memcpy() (in sqlorque2() function) IY08453 SQL1227 rc=6 on update of table cardinality IY08684 SQL0107 returned by CLI driver on SQLFetch to DB2 MVS IY09151 LOAD of empty file (IXF) with REPLACE does not empty the table. IY09262 change the behaviour of SQL_CONCURRENCY for MS OLAP apps IY09663 DB2 crashed with error DIA3816C created by sqm_evmon_ostream() IY09756 DB2_STRIPED_CONTAINERS not picked up at redir. restore IY09764 Inconsistent query results - same predicates in different order IY09948 Java stored procedures not found outside sqllib\function IY09966 java.sql.Timestamp receiving invalid argument per multiple con IY10004 db2jd terminates on Win95 if history option in the Journal IY10029 SQL0204 when binding from DRDA AR using QUALIFIER bind option IY10034 May13: Install V6.1 FP/EEE/NT may add incorrect EE DB2 Services IY10047 SQL1131N when db2 trace is turned on for SQLJ stored procedure IY10180 Compound SQL application core dumps with > 60 SQL statements. IY10183 Signal 11 trap in sqlplWaiteeInfo()/AIX or sqlplnfd()/Sun IY10199 Left or full outer join problem with optimizer IY10280 Random CLI0606E/CLI0611E from multi-threaded JDBC applications IY10302 pcbValue not populated with correct value on SQL_C_WCHAR IY10390 adsm session should be terminated before it is re-established IY10430 BACKUP IMAGE NOT FOUND doing tbsp restore from full db backup IY10432 Fix memory de-allocation problems when process runs out of memo IY10469 drop table recovery causes corruption to db2rhist.asc IY10475 iwm_tracker gets sql0305n when trying to track a summary table IY10484 Leak in DRDA heap results in SQL0973 and abend on client. IY10491 SQLProcedures yields incorrect query to MVS V6.1 IY10499 Optlevel 5 plan worse than optlevel 3 plan IY10504 CALL statement results in excess DESCRIBEPARAM calls with JDBC IY10562 sql0955 error; no queries after it can allocate shared sort mem IY10579 Signal 11 trap in sqldHashZValue IY10585 SQL0501 after SQL0437 in CLI application. error in retry logic IY10615 SPM TCP/IP resync not disconnecting IY10625 SUN ONLY: Trap sqm_snapshot_buffer when taking snapshot IY10668 Memory corruption caused by TQS - dirty partial_tuple_saved flg IY10765 HOT: 5-stream throughput hangs using VI Giganet, NT EEE IY10794 Fix memory de-allocation problems when process runs out of memo IY10803 User gets a SQL1272N when doing a tablespace restore & rollfwd IY10816 CLI0111E on insert of decimal <=0.00 and >=0.99 / SQLJ stored p IY10861 DatabaseMetaData.getColumns is not handling schemapattern="" IY10901 import from pipe ASC format breaks at end of buffer IY10901 read() from named pipe does not read past end of buffer on AIX IY10902 SQL0901N when create view with schema name too long IY11030 sql30082 rc 24 returned when trying to change password on AIX IY11063 An application hangs (an agent stuck in monitor code) IY11097 HOT: hang on W2K EEE IY11097 Null buffer from FCM causes hang in SMP or MPP env. IY11116 db2atld continues with load after FILE_TRANSFER_CMD fails. IY11141 DB2JD terminates if it can't spawn a process IY11217 SQJ0001W with SQL0104N when issuing db2profc on SQLJ app IY11218 Intermittent CLI0125E in SQLJ stored procedures IY11255 db2look -u returning schema rather than creator/definer IY11275 Smartguide for multisite update hangs in v6 control center. IY11283 db2iupdt overwriting db2audit.cfg IY11343 UDF Optimization to avoid materializing LOB args unnecessarily. IY11375 usereixt is not being invoked by db2 IY11377 DB2 UDB sql0901 error in function sqlno_resolve_qnc IY11443 reconcile fails with SQL2554N RC=5 IY11466 Deadlock caused by next key locking in catalog tables IY11620 bug in Optimizer handling of BETWEEN preds on a join column. JR13044 MS Interdev catches CLI0002w, on SQLProcedureColumns JR14068 PCOMM allows "#" in PLU name but not allow "#" sym_dest_name JR14349 SQLDescribeParam returning Driver not capable (CLI0150E) JR14415 Trap with MTS and stored procedures which return result sets JR14417 CPU TIME INCORRECTLY CALCULATED. RESULT IS TOO BIG. JR14446 CLI driver access violation using keyset cursor against DB2 MVS JR14491 The bind filename is truncated if > 50 chars in sqlajbnd_bind. JR14517 Create db fails SQL1092 on client, despite CATALOG_NOAUTH JR14521 Command Center results greyed out when scrolling JR14550 Command Center Win9x display problem if results >4682 chars JR14576 JDBC net driver result set doesn't change using PreparedStmt JR14592 NT: hang in stricmp JR14595 Performance degradation of SQLDriverConnect JR14605 NETBIOS fails on DB2START with rc 3 JR14606 del export modified by decpt substitutes period (.) JR14625 NT Perfmon not providing details on 2nd & Following Applns JR14646 Add BAR XBSA support to DB2 NT JR14646 New SQL code for V6, V7 _ V8 JR14646 use correct library extension when loading db2xbsa JR14648 sqlnx_exp_OBJECT_row_common:SQLO_INV_MEM (explain snap:DBA3037) JR14723 script center: SQL1112 scheduling the 99th job JR14737 Client creating multipe SNA conversations using same LUWID JR14742 db2jds.exe goes down on a large select statement JR14759 Load imports DATE wrong from DEL file. JR14780 sql0750n on 'RENAME TABLE' stmt on table with identity column.