When building a new SQLJ application with DB2 V72 FP4 an error is received during customization and the application hangs. This is caused by a defect introduced in V72 FP4. This will only affect new applications created on V72 FP4. SYMPTOMS Application receives a "SQl0501N UPDATE or DELETE is not allowed against the specified cursor. SQLSTATE=42828 " during customization. Subsequently, running the application will cause it to hang indefinitely. CAUSE The problem is caused by a a defect that retrieves an incorrect column count for a cursor. This patch addresses this problem by retrieving the correct column count. WORKAROUND Build the application against any previous FixPack, i.e V72 FP3 or FP2 and then continue running it against FP4. HOW TO APPLY THE PATCH 1. Before replacing the db2java.zip files in your sqllib/java and sqllib/java12 directories rename these files. Rename the jdbc20.exe file as well. 2. Download the db2java.zip from SQLPJatch/java and jdbc20.exe from SQLJPatch/java12. Copy them to the correct directories i.e. sqllib/java and sqllib/java12 respectively.