IBM Database Server for OS/2 v4.0.1 APAR List 01/30/98 ============================================= Official FixPak 8170: APAR # Abstract ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- IX61374 CICS:xa_close fails with rc=-6 with read only DRDA datbase IX62913 Disk full message when openning log file need correct OS rc. IX67033 db2adutl allows bad syntax IX68437 Pass environment variables through to stored procedures IX68437 Pass environment variables through to stored procedures IX68697 SQL0298 on command line redirected restore IX69111 ALLOW USERS OF SQLOTHREAD.C TO CHOOSE STACK IX69111 LOAD FAIL IX69332 When INX pages are corrupted , db2agent goes into infinite loop IX69549 DB2DD and "truecolor" set results in an infi IX69610 Japanese code pages result in unlike codepage conversion msgs IX69806 Getting half data for double byte columns in VB RDO IX70033 sql_attr_output_nts set to sql_false not wor IX70040 DBI1105W when doing a db2iupd IX70179 DB2/NT tape restore fails empty device, I/O error, end-of-media IX70183 Tape backup hang on 2nd tape if using without prompting IX70279 LOB: Unable to break 64G barrier IX70344 Remove dependency on libhppa.a from IX70529 DB2IUPDT (DB2IMDBM) Nulls TP_MON_NAM IX70903 Database marked bad after successful crash r IX71104 DB2BATCH causes core dump on HP when using C IX71266 SQL10013N on sixth invocation of stored proc IX71612 SQL0204 for import with replace (table name IX71625 Create database with e30/aix415 fails on lob IX71837 FOR BIT DATA and normal CHAR cannot be used in a MERGE JOIN IX71992 If sqlomove cannot rename a log file after archiving DB2 comes down. IX71996 RDS problems when loading into a table alias. IX72125 DB2ADUTL tries to extract backup instead of IX72350 triggers prevent optimizer from rewriting a subquery as a join. IX73014 SQLCancel is locking on the Connection object but should not at IX73133 missing support for LANG=ko IX73136 Authentication within NIS+ on Solaris IX73143 SQL2015 for CONTINUE RESTORE during database restore IX73231 BETWEEN filter factors ignore # of NULLs JR09881 inconsistent results from db2dart. JR10020 CONNECT TO :nullstring behaviour changed from JR10121 SQL0001 from activate after a connection has JR10162 V2 only: PRD with pure QNC on RHS not allowed JR10218 migrating v1 image to v2 fails JR10327 V2 Only: Retrofit optimize for n rows fixes JR10336 SYS3175 trap in DB2APP.DLL using DB2/2 V212. JR10370 Fix for the special JDBC driver with DBCS support. JR10403 Trap in db2odbc.dll when using ODBC administrator schemalist 255+ JR10404 Change database from userid / password prompt of DB2 driver JR10479 TCP/IP (TCPIP) traps DB2 when garbage data is entered JR10751 SYS3175 trap during database restart after reorg trapped. JR10755 V2: Load of IXF file traps JR10785 db2stop traps in db2sys.dll on warp smp JR10795 mgjoin reduces i/os significantly over input JR10834 change char to unsigned char JR10834 Integrate SBCS CP<->UCS2 into V2 JR10835 SQL305N or state 22002 doing outer join JR10837 Backup to 0 generates blank lines in the .rs JR10844 SQLNATIVESQL RETURNS MISPLACED } FOR CALL ST JR10848 Trap in DB2DARI.EXE in sqleriar_connect JR10876 Logretain not using all available logspace JR10908 Invalid parameter to User Exit JR10930 sqlp_AsyncLogReadAPI fails due to log not being available JR10935 Restore from userexit is changing log path t JR10940 db_heap_top value is invalid JR10963 Divide by 0 problem that results in +437 and JR10969 hopped connections not cleaned up JR10973 Getasciistring fails with empty strin JR10978 DB2DART does not check for record length=0 JR11011 JDBC performance issue JR11013 Restore via USEREXIT with different instance name fails JR11025 Sqlprimarykey and sqlforeignkey lockup table JR11026 Cli0112e on windows/n JR11040 Invalid query using group by clause traps en JR11049 Obsolete dbmon tcb's left after database pau JR11071 APPC listener must be restarted with DB2STAR JR11073 SQL0332N converting CCSID 500 to CP 127 JR11111 Sync Point Manager Authenticate user incorrectly JR11208 db2 traps after many backups JR11261 'INTERSECT ALL' command results in too many JR11296 Memory leak in application version of jdbc driver JR11312 Memory over-write with event monitor on for SQL stmt > 4K JR11320 Concurrent loads trap JR11337 SQL3401 SQLGIMP COBOL API does not ignore fi JR11344 cursorhold=0 causes sql30081n against mvs database JR11349 round function returns incorrect result JR11356 ODBC driver should return JR11363 cursorhold=0 causes sql30081n against mvs database JR11390 SQL2015 for CONTINUE RESTORE during database restore JR11395 Hide extended fetch capability for V2.x clients JR11417 row data being sent to drda client with the sql100. JR11422 Hang db2stop after force CS/2 JR11433 Unable to open log file in db2diag.log JR11533 Correction of the fix for d76221 (db2_v2 only!) Official FixPak 8142: APAR # Abstract ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- IX62276 Getting libdb2ves.a is undefined from Visual Explain IX63070 SDK FOR HP-UX V2 AND SUN V2 WILL NOT WORK BECAUSE NO DB2RTE. IX65185 first connect fails IX65568 SQL0444 IX66200 memory threshold IX66817 LOAD: Improve v2 load sort diagnostics. IX66817 Signal #11 in Sqlu__sbGetPg IX66913 wandering memory overwrite IX67033 db2adutl DELETE KEEP incorrectly removes logs IX67077 SQL1227 when updating HIGH2KEY in SYSSTAT.COLUMNS (SAP) IX67093 Forking and CLI issues in v2.12 IX67258 DB2 thinks application is multi threaded IX67291 SQL1224 on command line redirected restore w/o prompting IX67296 connection to db fails at -1042 (see Remarks) IX67302 TRAPPING DOING ADSM BACKUP IN WALK_LIB IX67307 Improve V2 Ctx handling for performance IX67397 SQL1403 return on CAE/MAC on connect IX67436 db2 hangs due to agent deadlatch IX67458 Current timestamp on AIX,604-SMP incorrect when microseconds 0s IX67484 Trap on exit of a forked child IX67732 Fix various problem found by a customer: IX67750 clp token size should be > 1024 IX67750 clp token size should be > 1024 IX67750 clp token size should be >1024 IX67774 ddcstrc core dumps when use incorrect syntax IX67838 performance problem with LOGRETAIN + USEREXIT IX67875 DB2DD mount to new Volume Group tool fails in AIX V4.2 IX67928 memory leak when using CLI IX68173 SQLColumns call return incorrect result for UDTs IX68236 Timestamp grows with high # of connections IX68370 CLI0131e error while SQLTABLE is issued in Excel 97 IX68406 Install on SINIX 5.43 fails IX68441 SQL0901N 'column number out of range' on insert when dup fields IX68677 Trap in 'sqldx_write_partial_page' during database rollforward IX68682 List tablespaces free pages not updated IX68925 Attach error connecting from db2/mvs to db2/sun IX69026 If a severe error occurs in non-atomic array input then JR09901 roll forward through the logs generates a trap in db2dmgr.dll JR10137 GPF in db2w.dll when called from pcdrdll.dll JR10147 trap in DB2SYSC JR10169 SP traps client or gateway JR10169 sqlo_remove_static_data_anchors is never called on NT JR10183 -305 from DDCS when passing a wrong indicator value JR10203 Qualifiers provided in SQLTables call not recognized JR10208 Trigger returns sql100 incorrectly JR10212 Performance problem with SQLColumns call against DB2/400 JR10221 bug in the error logging path JR10234 Austria code page support JR10234 Austria code page support required in V2 JR10299 SQLTABLES call return wrong TABLE type JR10303 -902 rc = 70, rc=70 SQLDB2Ra is larger than negotiated RA size JR10312 Restore of database causes SQL0902N, RC=72. JR10328 Concurrent userexits for backup/restore will hang JR10347 SQLCancel Call returns -1 JR10370 Special JDBC on os/2 with DBCS support JR10387 Timing window problem with SPM JR10405 SQL902N, reason = 'OID imbalance' from query against view. JR10406 A couple of JDBC fixes. JR10446 MS-Query returns SQL0104N when doing a select against DB2/MVS JR10460 V2 FORTRAN precompiler enhancements JR10462 DDCS/NT Gateway trap with db2sysc.exe when volume is high JR10473 sql2044 rc 4 during LOAD. JR10474 Setting sqlstate field overwrites other fields in mem. JR10480 trap db2sysc.exe (SQLExecute ODBC) sqle_db2ra_as_db_prep_desc JR10480 trap db2syscs.exe(SQLExecute ODBC) sqle_db2ra_as_db_prep_desc JR10498 useless sqlossig Probe:48 messages in db2diag.log JR10504 SQLTables call return error when catalogname is passed on the c JR10517 SQLPutData() returns -1 when valid pointer with 0 length input JR10519 memory leak with fenced UDF calls JR10586 trap in db2pgixt when logging log files on Win 95 JR10592 DB2 does not conform to NT's TCP/IP standard JR10602 Trap in sqlng_process_parse_tree_node() during PREP JR10607 Trap in db2asp0.dll JR10608 SQL3011C on import from windows 3.1 clients JR10612 Return only unique rows from SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURES when JR10615 transaction logging code ignores serious error JR10743 Modify the CLI autocommit code not to issue a commit on a JR10759 hang with SQLDA > 64K on describe input JR10761 sql1325n invoking db2/mvs stored procedure JR10764 Unknown trap causes non-DB2 thread to die. -1225 errors follow. Official FixPak 8132: APAR # Abstract ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- II09880 Allow user to specify where DB2CLI.INI is IX57283 Concurrent inserts into LF corrupts data IX57283 Concurrent writes to a 4K region causes corruption IX58313 DO NOT allow a BACKUP of an ACTIVATED database. IX60015 sqlurlog_api (asyns log read api) returns with an SQL2657N inc IX60403 Call TCP/IP _r functions IX60737 Dump OSS return code when load fails openning the remote file. IX60794 Backup leaves 2 IPCs after completing, 1 semaphore and 1 queue. IX61036 cobol application which contains $SET directive IX61101 backup to ADSM should call update filespace API IX61101 backup to ADSM should call update filespace API IX61129 Memory leak in long running CLP with UDF references IX61923 Export does not recognize multiple lobpaths IX61923 export lob files from a table exceeds 1000 without lobs to PATH IX62275 db2stop hangs intermittently on DB2/6000 v211 IX62287 Query returning incorrect result set IX62424 SQL0902 rc=110 when appending to BLOB column. IX62442 Clean up error processing for non-atomic array processin IX62442 SQLRowCount does not return the correct number if -1339 IX62454 Page cleaners folld the db2diag.log file IX62464 Segmentation fault when binding a file to the content blob IX62502 DB2STOP hangs with MAX_IDLEAGENTS non-zero IX62759 db2look problem with unique indexes and primary keys. IX62803 Signal #11 in sqlrcfda during freeing of access allocations IX62813 restore from tape traps IX62897 SAP 8-table join too bushy at opt. level 0 IX62910 CICS region crashes on DB2 lost connection IX64284 Underflow due to too many preds should NOT max out TotalCost IX64297 SAP's SQL_C_BINARY to DECIMAL gets Invalid Numeric Converision IX65124 Stored Procedure will corrupt a large SQLDA IX65131 Dependencies introduced my correlation in HXPs not working ok IX65158 Online backup removes the quiesce SHARE created IX65188 db2 force application agent-id does not force applications IX65191 SqloResolveAddress produces core file IX65400 Signal 11 trap in the build phase of a large load IX65422 Java links not getting created when upgrading to DB2/6000 V212 IX65659 an unitilalized sqlca in the backup IX65739 LIBDJRA.A not shipped with SDK/SGI IX66149 Builtin UDF soundex returns incorrect results in DB2/6000 v2.1 JR09106 unable to update LOGFILSIZ for db2/6000 using db2dd/2 JR09200 SQL0444N (-444) from AS/400 executing stored procedure JR09226 Modify the patch1=65536 workaround to only map single byte JR09268 Local named pipe syntax on NT not accepted by event monitor. JR09291 SQLTABLE ODBC call uses table scan on DB2/MVS and is slow JR09292 Access has lack of precision on date field JR09293 Hang of DB2/2 export JR09307 get recovery history file entry failed to return the tablespace JR09314 Don't use the UR isolation level under MVS since index scans JR09319 Continue defect 50856 JR09319 Incorrect clob length returned on 0 length string JR09339 logic error in db2ra_as_hopdriver_free JR09350 Win9r-SUN/HP: restore db online with rollforward to end of log JR09376 sqlconnect call causes page fault in db2cli using 16bit apps. JR09380 Offline backup shouldn't complete when table DAT files m JR09392 Loading table under Win 95 encounters SQL2038 <20480> JR09399 History file is not updated after database backup to tape JR09412 Install fails to pick up AGENTPRI correctly from response file. JR09419 Country code for Slovenia is not supported in db2/nt JR09425 SQL/DS returns -515 on COMMIT JR09426 converting from ASCII to Double(float) is dependant on locale JR09435 SQL30073 rc 0010 from AR if app uses fixchar with lenth >254 JR09436 DDCS/2 gateway sys3175 NETAPI.DLL with security SAME JR09442 SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO from SQLFetch. JR09443 CLI/ODBC driver truncates digits after decimal point JR09454 Improve migrate diagnostics. JR09457 Prep adding "SPECIAL-NAMES" in incorrect section of Cobol App JR09467 CLI/ODBC Administrator cannot query DB2/400 JR09467 SQLDescribeCol returns 07006 if the length of the VARCHAR is JR09474 Collect info tool doesn't get info in non-default DIAGPATH JR09477 export of wsf on v2.1.1 differs from v1.2 JR09518 Incorrect connect string returned JR09592 SQL_C_BINARY no mapped to the value specified on the bindparm JR09607 Database territory for Germany appears 'germa' instead of 'DE' JR09616 Prep of program w/ thousands of host vars causes SQL0083C JR09686 Connection from Window Support fails looking for DB2CPICW.DLL JR09698 Backup with userexit generate sql2003,sqlca -2024 JR09862 SQLGetData() wrong sqlstate(s1004)/pcbValue if called same col# JR09886 -902 reported by sqlrarvp for package revalidation JR09902 ODBC Logon does not become front window JR09903 Convert SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_DECIMAL fails in SQLBindParameter API JR09912 SQL3022 on export from v1.2 clients through DDCS v2.3.2 JR09914 NLJN cost smaller than inner's cost when card small or EarlyOut JR09917 Query from client to ddcs hangs JR09920 CLI0112E state 22005 on insert from power builder JR09922 Add #include to samplesclisamputil.c JR09936 Check in jdbc bug fixes that have been checked into version JR09939 INCORRECT FILETER FACTOR FOR LIKE % JR09950 Rexx api for catalog database uses authentication server JR09951 SQL -332 on Chinese code pages 1380, 1382 JR09984 security changes to program when changing through db2dd JR10064 SqlStatistics call returns incorrect data JR10081 Numeric Userids rejected on CAE/Win JR10102 Add FOR FETCH ONLY to the static schema calls for DB2/400 and JR10105 db2 values char('string',length('string')) *********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1998. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** ***********************************************************************