IBM Books

Administration Guide

Overview of DB2 UDB Extended Enterprise Edition

DB2 UDB EEE is a relational database management system that enables local and remote client applications to create, update, control, and manage relational databases using Structured Query Language (SQL), ODBC, JDBC, or CLI. Its main feature is the ability for a database to be partitioned across multiple independent machines of a common platform. To the end-user and application developer, it still appears as a single database on a single machine. This fully scalable database system enables an application to use a database that is simply too large for a single machine to handle efficiently. SQL operations and utilities can execute in parallel both within and between the individual database partitions, thereby speeding up the execution time of a single query or command.

IBM announced support for Virtual Interface (VI) Architecture with DB2 UDB EEE V5.2.

To find out about other products adhering to VI Architecture and supported by DB2 UDB EEE, please contact the DB2 UDB support organization at or call 1-800-237-5511 (only in the U.S.A).

The products that have been tested with DB2 UDB include:

There may be other products that work with DB2 Universal Database. Check with the vendor of that product, and with IBM Service and Support, to ensure that the other product is supported.

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