IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Setting up the DB2 DataJoiner environment for replication

This chapter explains how to begin to set up your replication environment while installing and configuring DataJoiner. In this chapter, you:

  1. Install DataJoiner.

  2. Create a DataJoiner instance and, within the instance, a database for each non-IBM database that is a source for replication. Your target databases can use an existing database within the same DataJoiner instance, or you can create a new database for your targets.

  3. Configure access to your data sources (your replication source, target, and control servers).

  4. Connect clients to DataJoiner. If the Apply program 17 that you are using for replication is remote from DataJoiner, you must connect the Apply program as a client to DataJoiner.

After this chapter, proceed to Installing DJRA and connecting all databases to install DJRA and connect all databases that are involved in replication.


The Apply program shipped with DB2 DataJoiner is the same as the Apply program shipped with DB2 Universal Database.

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