IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet control tables

DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet requires the following new control tables, in addition to the existing DB2 DataPropagator control tables. For details about the column and index definitions for each of these new control tables, see Table structures.

Control server tables

Row-replica-target-list table
Maintains the names of the row replica tables. This allows DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet to maintain a list of known row-replica tables in a stable DB2 or DB2 DataJoiner database. DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet uses this information during schema analysis to determine which, if any, row-replica tables should be deleted because the corresponding subscription member was dropped since the last synchronization.

Subscription-schema-changes table
Signals modifications to a subscription.

Target server tables

Conflict table
This table (one per target table, as needed at the target server) contains row data for DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet-detected conflict losers. If there is a conflict between the same row in the Microsoft Jet database (target server) and the source server, the row in the Microsoft Jet database "loses," so it is added to the conflict table and replaced by the row in the source.

Error information table
Contains additional information to identify the row-replica table and row that caused an error.

Error messages table
Contains error codes and error messages.

Error-side-information table
Contains the names of the conflict tables.

Key string table
Maps Microsoft Jet table identifiers and row identifiers to primary key values.

Synchronization generations table
Used to prevent cyclic updates from propagating back to the RDBMS from a Microsoft Jet database.

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