IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Starting the mobile-replication-enabler using the ASNCOPY command

ASNCOPY, the mobile-replication-enabler, is the program that controls the execution of the Capture and Apply programs. You can specify parameters to run the mobile-replication-enabler when you invoke ASNCOPY from the command line. You can also specify mobile-replication-enabler parameters from the mobile interface. To execute the mobile interface, type ASNMOBIL from the command line. For more information about the mobile interface, see Starting the mobile-replication-enabler using the mobile interface.

Table 33 lists the parameters that you can specify for the ASNCOPY command. These parameters are not case sensitive.

Table 33. ASNCOPY Command Parameters
Parameter Explanation
-T Activates the trace option. You can set the trace option on from the mobile interface. When the trace is set on, information about all database activity will be written to a file called ASNCOPY.TRC. The Apply program trace is written in a file called apply_qual.TRC, where apply_qual is the Apply qualifier value for the OS/2 platform, and in a file called APPLYYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.TRC for the Windows NT and 95 platforms. The Capture program trace is written in the trace table called ASN.IBMSNAP_TRACE.
-H Holds the communication line connection even after all answer sets are fetched. When this parameter is not specified, the Apply program disconnects the link between the target and source servers by calling the disconnect exit routine as soon as all of the answer sets are fetched. This is done to minimize the line connection time. If you do not specify this parameter, you might not be able to repeat a copy, which might be needed if the target-server log file overflows. This problem is not detected until after the link is disconnected. In this case, retry the failed copy with this parameter specified. If overflow is detected before the link is disconnected, repeat copies are attempted regardless of whether this parameter is specified.
-L Specifies that the Apply program call the ASNLOAD exit routine for a full refresh. In the ASNLOAD exit routine, you can invoke either the IBM-provided EXPORT/IMPORT or EXPORT/LOAD utilities, or any other programs for a faster full refresh.

If referential constraints are defined between member tables of a subscription set, you must use this option to bypass RI constraint checking while the tables go through a full refresh.

-F Specifies the fast path. This parameter tells ASNCOPY not to call the Capture program. If this parameter is not specified, the Capture program is always called regardless of the copy direction. Use this option only if either no changes have been made to the local tables since the last Capture program run or the subscription set to which all the changed tables belong is not to be copied. Otherwise, the changes will be lost.
-C Specifies that ASNCOPY starts the Capture program with a cold start. If a cold start occurs, then replica target tables are refreshed from the source tables and all changes made locally that were not applied to the source server are lost. If this parameter is not specified, ASNCOPY uses the WARMNS start option. The -C parameter is ignored if the fast path (-F) parameter is specified or if the Capture program is not installed.
-R Specifies the remote control server. If this parameter is not specified, the ASNCOPY program will use the local control server, named in the DB2DBDFT system variable, as the default control server.
-N Calls the ASNDONE exit routine to notify completion of replication in the 'F' direction as well as the 'S' direction for each subscription set.
-Q apply_qualifier You must specify this parameter when the Apply qualifier is not the same as the user ID.
-S set_name_list Specifies a list of subscription set names that you want to copy.
-U set_name_list Specifies the copy up (WHOS_ON_FIRST = F) direction of the replica sets. That is, copying up from the target server to the source server.
-D set_name_list Specifies the copy down (WHOS_ON_FIRST = S) direction of the replica sets. That is, copying down from the source server to the target server.

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