IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Problem determination scenario

The following steps are a high-level description of how you might trace a replication error, using the facilities discussed in this chapter.

In this scenario, you used the DB2 Control Center to define replication sources and subscriptions. The SQL for your replication requests completed satisfactorily, but the Apply program can't execute the replication successfully. To determine the error, you could:

  1. Examine any error messages returned directly to the terminal for the Apply program job or process.

  2. Examine the Apply trail table (ASN.IBMSNAP_APPLYTRAIL) for any indicators of the problem.

  3. Examine the Capture program trace table (ASN.IBMSNAP_TRACE) for indicators from the Capture program's activity.

  4. Examine the log files for the Capture and Apply programs for indicators from the activities of the Capture and Apply programs.

  5. Rerun the Capture and Apply programs with the trace option and examine the trace file for indicators of the problem.

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