IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Modifying your replication configuration

After you begin replication, you can change the configuration, including changing replication sources or subscriptions, removing sources or subscriptions, deactivating subscriptions, and cloning subscriptions.

Viewing or changing existing replication sources

Using either the DB2 Control Center or DJRA, you can view an existing replication source. With the Control Center, if you selected the Table will be used for update anywhere check box, you can change the conflict detection level defined for the replication source. All other fields and controls are unavailable for changes after you successfully define the replication source. With DJRA, you can change the set of columns available for replication. 16

If you plan to change the replication source definition, stop or suspend the Capture program. To begin capturing changes for the changed replication source, start or reinitialize the Capture program. For information about the Capture program for your operating system environment, see Operations.

Removing replication sources

When you no longer need a replication source, you can remove the object from the DB2 Control Center or DJRA and remove its control information from the control tables.


  1. Stop the Capture program before deleting a replication source. Do not merely suspend it. You can restart the Capture program after you have finished removing the replication source.

  2. Although the Control Center removes dependent subscriptions, you should check whether a dependent subscription table is being used as a source for another subscription and cancel any such dependent subscription before you delete a replication source. DJRA does not remove dependent subscriptions, so you must delete any subscriptions that use the source for copying.

The Control Center and DJRA drop the table space for a DB2 replication source if it is empty. DJRA does not drop non-IBM database containers (table spaces, dbspaces, or segments). For the Control Center, you can ensure that the table space is never dropped by changing the settings on the Replication page of the Tools Settings notebook.

Activating and deactivating subscription sets

From the DB2 Control Center, you can control the active status of a subscription set. This feature is useful when you want to temporarily deactivate a subscription set without removing it. When you deactivate a subscription set, the Apply program completes its current processing cycle and then suspends operation for that subscription set. When you deactivate a subscription set, the Control Center greys out the icon for the subscription set.

Cloning a subscription set to another server

Using the DB2 Control Center, you can clone a subscription set to another server. Cloning creates a copy of an existing subscription set on a different target server, using a different Apply qualifier. This copy includes only subscription information; it does not include copy table, table space, or index definitions. You can clone one or more subscription sets at a time. The Control Center updates the control tables at the control server.

For information about copying your entire replication environment to another system, see Copying your replication configuration to another system.

Viewing or changing an existing subscription set

Using the DB2 Control Center, you can change a subset of the subscription-set values, primarily those that do not affect the structure of the target tables. You can change the following values in the Change Replication Subscription window and subwindows:

To view or change existing subscription-set members using DJRA, click the List Members or Add a Column to Target Tables button. Fill in the required information in the window, such as source-server name and source-table names, then optionally fill in the source-column name or SQL expression and the target-column name to add new columns or add computed columns to the target table.

Removing subscription sets

Removing a subscription-set definition deletes information about it from the control tables and deletes the target table from the target server. Using the DB2 Control Center, select one or more replication subscription objects from the contents pane and select Remove from the pop-up menu. Using DJRA, you must first remove all members from the subscription set, then you can remove the empty subscription set.


You can change the set of columns available for replication only for DB2 sources, not for non-IBM sources.

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