IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Operating Apply for OS/390

An administrator can use the commands in the following sections to perform the following Apply for OS/390 tasks:

You can submit the commands from TSO or an MVS console.

Starting Apply for OS/390

After you start the Apply program, it runs continuously until:

To start the Apply for OS/390 program:

Prepare the JCL for OS/390 by specifying the appropriate invocation parameters in the PARM field of the ASNARUN command. Customize the JCL to meet your site's requirements. Invocation JCL is included with the Apply for OS/390 product.

An example of this line in the invocation JCL is:

//ASNARUN EXEC PGM=ASNAPVnn,PARM='Apply_qual DB2_subsystem_name DISK'

Where nn is the level the Apply program, as follows:

Table 9 defines the invocation parameters.

Table 9. ASNARUN Invocation Parameter Definitions
Parameter Definition
Apply_qual Specifies the Apply program qualifier that the Apply program instance uses to identify the subscriptions to be served. The Apply qualifier is case sensitive and must match the value of APPLY_QUAL in the subscription set table. This must be the first parameter.
DB2_subsystem_name Specifies the name of the DB2 subsystem that can connect to the control server. This parameter must be the second parameter.

For data sharing, do not use the group attach name. Instead, specify a member subsystem name.

Control_server_name Specifies the name of the server where the replication control tables will reside. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is the current server.
LOADXit Specifies that the Apply program is to invoke ASNLOAD, an IBM-supplied exit routine that uses the export and load utilities to refresh target tables. Currently, no utility program is available for use by ASNLOAD on DB2 for OS/390.
NOLOADXit (default) Specifies that the Apply program will not invoke ASNLOAD.
MEMory  (default)  Specifies that a memory file stores the fetched answer set. The Apply program fails if there is insufficient memory for the answer set.
DISK Specifies that a disk file stores the fetched answer set.
INAMsg  (default)  Specifies that the Apply program is to issue a message when the Apply program is inactive.
NOINAMsg Specifies that the Apply program will not issue this message.
NOTRC  (default)  Specifies that the Apply program does not generate a trace.
TRCERR Specifies that the Apply program generates a trace that contains only error information.
TRCFLOW Specifies that the Apply program generates a trace that contains error and execution flow information.
NOTIFY Specifies that the Apply program is to invoke ASNDONE, an exit routine that returns control to the user when the Apply program processing ends.
NONOTIFY  (default)  Specifies that the Apply program will not invoke ASNDONE.
SLEEP  (default)  Specifies that the Apply program is to go to sleep if no new subscriptions are eligible for processing.
NOSLEEP Specifies that the Apply program is to stop if no new subscriptions are eligible for processing.
DELAY(n) Where n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Specifies the delay time (in seconds) at the end of each Apply program cycle when continuous replication is used. The default delay time is 6 seconds.

Scheduling Apply for OS/390

Use either the $TA JES2 command or the AT NetView command to start Apply for OS/390 at a specific time. You must:

  1. Create a procedure that calls Apply for OS/390 in the PROCLIB.

  2. Modify the ICHRIN03 RACF module (or appropriate definitions for your MVS security package) to associate the procedure with a user ID.

  3. Link-edit the module in SYS1.LPALIB.

See MVS/ESA JES2 Commands for more information about using the $TA JES2 command, and NetView for MVS Command Reference for more information about using the AT NetView command.

Stopping Apply for OS/390

Enter the following command to stop the Apply for OS/390 program:


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