IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Setting up DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet replication

To prepare the replication environment, you need to prepare the replication sources, control servers, and client environment. The following sections provide instructions for preparing your replication environment.

Preparing the replication source and control servers

You prepare the server to use DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet just as you would for DB2 DataPropagator. To prepare the server:

  1. Create the necessary replication control tables at the control server by using DJRA.

  2. Define replication sources by defining the source tables on each source server by using DJRA.

  3. Define subscription sets by using DJRA. From the Create Empty Subscription Sets window, select the Microsoft Jet check box and enter the Microsoft Jet target server name. The target server name must be different from the control server name in this case.

  4. Start the Capture program for each DB2 source server, if applicable.

Preparing the client environment

To prepare the client, install the following software (if it is not already installed):

  1. Install DB2 Client Application Enabler (CAE) and configure DB2 connectivity to the source and control servers for the appropriate communication protocols.

  2. Configure the DB2 ODBC driver by using the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant window.

  3. Install either one of the following:

  4. Install the DAO component (downloadable from or available on the Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5 CD-ROM).

  5. Install DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet (during DB2 DataJoiner installation).

Providing end-user authentication

If the source or control server requires authentication, create a password file.

To create a password file:

The password file must meet the following criteria:

For more information about authentication and security, refer to the DataJoiner Administration Supplement.

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