IBM Books

Command Reference

How this Book is Structured

This book provides the reference information needed to use the CLP.

The following topics are covered:

Chapter 1. "System Commands"
Describes the commands that can be entered at an operating system command prompt or in a shell script to access the database manager.

Chapter 2. "Command Line Processor (CLP)"
Explains how to invoke and use the command line processor, and describes the CLP options.

Chapter 3. "CLP Commands"
Provides a description of all database manager commands.

Chapter 4. "Using Command Line SQL Statements"
Provides information on how to use SQL statements from the command line.

Appendix A. "How to Read the Syntax Diagrams"
Explains the conventions used in syntax diagrams.

Appendix B. "Naming Conventions"
Explains the conventions used to name objects such as databases and tables.

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