IBM Books

Command Reference


Specifies connection settings for the back-end process.



Required Connection


Command Syntax

>>--------SET CLIENT----+-----------------+--------------------->
      '-SQLRULES--+-DB2-+--'   '-SYNCPOINT--+-ONEPHASE-+--'
                  '-STD-'                   +-TWOPHASE-+


  1. Default is setting unchanged if option is not specified.

Command Parameters


Specifies that a CONNECT statement is to be processed as a type 1 CONNECT.

Specifies that a CONNECT statement is to be processed as a type 2 CONNECT.


Specifies that only database connections that have been explicitly marked for release by the RELEASE statement are to be disconnected at commit.

Specifies that the database connections that have been marked RELEASE or have no open WITH HOLD cursors are to be disconnected at commit.

Specifies that all database connections are to be disconnected at commit.

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be made in an application using a NetBIOS adapter. Maximum value is 254. This parameter must be set before the first NetBIOS connection is made. Changes subsequent to the first connection are ignored.


Specifies that a type 2 CONNECT is to be processed according to the DB2 rules.

Specifies that a type 2 CONNECT is to be processed according to the Standard (STD) rules based on ISO/ANS SQL92.

Specifies how commits or rollbacks are to be coordinated among multiple database connections.

Specifies that no Transaction Manager (TM) is to be used to perform a two-phase commit. A one-phase commit is to be used to commit the work done by each database in multiple database transactions.

Specifies that the TM is required to coordinate two-phase commits among those databases that support this protocol.

Specifies that no TM is to be used to perform a two-phase commit, and does not enforce single updater, multiple reader. A COMMIT is sent to each participating database. The application is responsible for recovery if any of the commits fail.


Specifies the node to which a connect is to be made. A value between zero and 999, inclusive. Overrides the value of the environment variable DB2NODE.

Specifying this value permits the client to connect to the catalog node of the database without knowing the identity of that node in advance.

ATTACH_NODE (MPP only) node-number
Specifies the node to which an attach is to be made. A value between zero and 999, inclusive. Overrides the value of the environment variable DB2NODE.

For example, if nodes 1, 2, and 3 are defined, the client only needs to be able to access one of these nodes. If only node 1 containing databases has been cataloged, and this parameter is set to 3, then the next attach attempt will result in an attachment at node 3, after an initial attachment at node 1.


To set specific values:

   db2 set client connect 2 disconnect automatic sqlrules std
      syncpoint twophase

To change SQLRULES back to DB2, but keep the other settings:

   db2 set client sqlrules db2
Note:The connection settings revert to default values after TERMINATE is issued.

Usage Notes

SET CLIENT cannot be issued if one or more connections are active.

If SET CLIENT is successful, the connections in the subsequent units of work will use the connection settings specified. If SET CLIENT is unsuccessful, the connection settings of the back-end process are unchanged.

For more information about distributed unit of work (DUOW), see the Administration Guide.

See Also


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