IBM Books

Command Reference

db2untag - Release Container Tag

Removes the DB2 tag on a table space container. The tag is used to prevent DB2 from reusing a container in more than one table space. Displays information about the container tag, identifying the database with which the container is associated. Useful when it is necessary to release a container last used by a database that has since been deleted. If the tag is left behind, DB2 is prevented from using the resource in future.

Attention: This tool should only be used by informed system administrators.


The user needs read/write access to the container for a table space that is owned by the ID that created the database.

Required Connection


Command Syntax


Command Parameters

-f filename
Specifies the fully qualified name of the table space container from which the DB2 tag is to be removed.

Usage Notes

An SQLCODE -294 (Container in Use error) is sometimes returned from create database or from create or alter table space operations, usually indicating a specification error on the operating system resource name when the container is already in use by another table space. A container can be used by only one table space at a time.

A system or database administrator who finds that the database which last used the container has been deleted, can use the db2untag tool if the container's tag was not removed. If the container is to be released, do one of the following:

See Also


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