IBM Books

Command Reference

db2mscs - Set up Windows NT Failover Utility

Creates the infrastructure for DB2 to support failover on the Windows NT environment using MSCS support. This utility can be used to enable failover in both single-partition and partitioned database environments.

Run the utility once for each instance on its instance-owning machine. If there is only one DB2 instance running on one machine in the MSCS cluster, a hot-standby configuration is established. If an instance is running on each machine in the MSCS cluster, run the utility once on each instance-owing machine to set up a mutual takeover configuration.

This utility performs the following steps:

  1. Reads the required MSCS and DB2 parameters from an input file called DB2MSCS.CFG. For information about the full set of input parameters, see the Administration Guide.

  2. Validates the parameters in the input file.

  3. Registers the DB2 resource type.

  4. Creates the MSCS group (or groups) to contain the MSCS and DB2 resources.

  5. Creates the IP resource.

  6. Creates the Network Name resource.

  7. Moves MSCS disks to the group.

  8. Creates the DB2 resource (or resources).

  9. Adds all required dependencies for the DB2 resource.

  10. Converts the non-clustered DB2 instance into a clustered instance.

  11. Brings all resources online.

For a complete description of this command, see the Administration Guide.

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