IBM Books

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Chapter 1. DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect Upgrades

  • Year 2000 Ready
  • Euro Support
  • New Products
  • DB2 Query Patroller
  • DB2 Satellite Edition
  • Additional Support by Platform
  • Linux
  • Windows NT
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT
  • Single-User Install
  • Migration to Version 6
  • This section provides a brief summary of the enhancements for the latest versions of DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect: Version 6, including the support DB2 provides for migrating to Version 6 from previous version of the product.

    Year 2000 Ready

    DB2 Universal Database Version 6 and DB2 Connect are Year 2000 ready. This means that when used in accordance with their associated documentation, these products are capable of correctly processing, providing and/or receiving date data within and between the 20th and 21st centuries, provided that all products (for example, hardware, software and firmware) used with the products properly exchange accurate date data with them. More information about IBM and Year 2000 readiness can be found at .

    Euro Support

    DB2 Universal Database is a EuroReady product. Code page 850 and the Microsoft Windows ANSI code pages have been modified to include the euro. DB2 Universal Database Version 6 uses these definitions by default. If you would like to continue to use the previous definition of these code pages, you should contact DB2 Universal Database Service. For more information on euro support, refer to the Administration Guide, Design and Implementation .

    New Products

    Two new products are available for DB2 Universal Database Version 6: DB2 Query Patroller, for decision support systems, and DB2 Satellite Edition, for mobile and occasionally-connected clients.

    DB2 Query Patroller

    You can use DB2 Query Patroller to provide query and resource management for decision support systems. As an application, it takes Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) queries from a client, analyzes the queries, and then dynamically distributes the workload across different nodes on the DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition installation.

    DB2 Query Patroller is supported on the AIX, Solaris, and Windows NT operating systems.

    For more information on DB2 Query Patroller, refer to the DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide , DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide , or the DB2 Query Patroller User's Guide .

    DB2 Satellite Edition

    Mobile computing can give you the freedom to conveniently access information and easily act on it. With DB2 Satellite Edition, you can connect to your corporate systems to obtain the latest product inventory or client information before visiting your customer. You can also perform business transactions, such as placing orders or selling a new policy, outside of the traditional office.

    On a DB2 Satellite Edition system, you can maintain locally persistent data that is easily updated and synchronized with the corporate data. DB2 Satellite Edition provides the backbone for mobile or occasionally connected branch office computing applications.

    DB2 Satellite Edition provides the following advantages:

    Low deployment costs
    To keep deployment costs low when rolling out to a large user community, DB2 Satellite Edition lets you avoid manual tasks such as performing individual installations. With the mass deployment capabilities of DB2 Satellite Edition, you can easily replicate setup and installation for thousands of systems.

    Enhanced administration tools
    You can use the DB2 Control Center tools to create the control information and build the scripts that the satellites will execute. The new Satellite Administration Center in DB2 Control Center supports the creation and maintenance of batches for groups of satellites. You can also use the Satellite Administration Center to manage the roll out of satellites within a group.

    Remote administration
    If a problem occurs on a satellite, DB2 provides facilities that help staff can use to fix the satellite. To track the state of an individual satellite, information about it is retained in a central database known as the satellite control database. The information about a satellite includes its last known activity, such as which script it executed. The information also includes the current status of the satellite, such as whether the satellite reported an error. The status information is easily accessible through the Satellite Administration Center.

    On-demand replication
    To ensure timely data exchange with transactional integrity and data content flexibility, DB2 includes on-demand, update anywhere replication.

    Staged rollout of system updates
    Once you have deployed your satellite application, any updates to the application and the database environment can be implemented first on a test group, so that you can monitor the updates, and make any required modifications. When you are satisfied with the updates, you can promote the changes to the full production group.

    DB2 Satellite Edition is currently available for Windows 32-bit operating systems. For more information on DB2 Satellite Edition, refer to the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.

    Additional Support by Platform


    DB2 Universal Database Version 6 supports the following products and components for the Linux operating system:



    For information on installing DB2 on Linux, refer to the DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings . For information on the compilers and precompilers for Linux that DB2 supports, refer to the Application Building Guide .

    Windows NT

    DB2 Universal Database Version 6 adds support for the following products and components on the Windows NT operating system:

    DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT

    DB2 Data Links Manager Version 6 supports the Windows NT operating system as well as the AIX operating system. You can use DB2 Data Links Manager to manage data files that are not normally found in a database, for example, engineering blueprints or medical x-rays. These data files can be on a file system outside of the database.

    For more information on DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT, refer to the DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT Quick Beginnings.

    Single-User Install

    To ease the use of DB2 Universal Database Version 6 for Windows NT, DB2 enables a user who does not have administrator authority to install certain DB2 products on a Windows NT machine. A user without administrator authority can perform a single-user install of one of the following products:

    For more information on installing DB2 for Windows NT, refer to the DB2 for Windows NT Quick Beginnings .

    Migration to Version 6

    DB2 provides migration support to allow you to convert back-level DB2 databases and directories to a format usable by DB2 Universal Database Version 6. The following DB2 database releases are supported by the DB2 Universal Database Version 6 database migration process:

    Note:DB2 migration does not support migration across platforms. You can only migrate from a previous version of DB2 on one platform to DB2 Version 6.1 on the same platform. For example, if your current database server is DB2 for Windows NT Version 5.2, you can only migrate to DB2 for Windows NT Version 6.

    For more information on migrating to DB2 Version 6, refer to the Quick Beginnings manuals for your platform.

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