IBM Books

SQL Reference

Appendix O. Japanese and Traditional-Chinese EUC Considerations

Extended Unix Code (EUC) for Japanese and Traditional-Chinese defines a set of encoding rules that can support from 1 to 4 character sets. In some cases, such as Japanese EUC (eucJP) and Traditional-Chinese EUC (eucTW), a character may be encoded using more than two bytes. Use of such an encoding scheme has implications when used as the code page of the database server or the database client. The key considerations involve the following:

With the exception of these considerations, the use of EUC is consistent with the double-byte character set (DBCS) support. Throughout this book (and others), references to double-byte have been changed to multi-byte to reflect support for encoding rules that allow for character representations that require more than 2 bytes. Detailed considerations for support of Japanese and Traditional-Chinese EUC are included here, organized in the same way as the contents of the chapters of this book. This information should be considered by anyone using SQL with an EUC database server or an EUC database client and used in conjunction with application development information in the Application Development Guide

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