IBM Books

SQL Reference

Database Security and Tuning

Creating Databases Using Clients in DB2 Universal Database Version 6

UNIX OS/2 WIN Extended


The method used by clients to create a database.


Using a down-level client (from a previous release than that of the server) to create a database will result in errors.


When using a client to create a database, only use clients at the same level as that of the server.

SELECT Privilege Required on Hierarchy in DB2 Universal Database Version 6

UNIX OS/2 Windows 32-bit Extended


Specification of the ONLY keyword with a table now requires that the user have SELECT privilege on all subtables of the specified typed table. Similarly, specification of the ONLY keyword with a view now requires that the user have SELECT privilege on all subviews of a specified typed table. Previous versions only required SELECT privilege on the specified table or view.


There are two possible symptoms:

  1. An authorization error (SQLCODE -551, SQLSTATE 42501) occurs when rebinding a package containing an SQL statement that specified the ONLY keyword in a FROM clause, if the authorization ID under which the package was bound lacks SELECT privilege on the subtables of the named typed table (or view).

  2. If the definition of a view or trigger contains the keyword ONLY used in a FROM clause, the view or trigger will continue to work normally. However, the definition of the view or trigger can no longer be used to create a new view or trigger unless the creator holds SELECT privilege on all the subtables of the named table (or view).


The authorization ID that needs to rebind a package or to crate a new view or trigger should be granted SELECT privilege on all subtables (and subviews) of the table (or view) specified following the ONLY keyword.

Obsolete Profile Registry and Environment Variables in DB2 Universal Database Version 6



The following profile registry values or environment variables are obsolete:


There is no longer a need for these profile registry or environment variables.

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