IBM Books

SQL Reference


   |                  |             .-OUTER-.  |                                              |
   |                  '--+-LEFT--+--+-------+--'                                              |
   |                     +-RIGHT-+                                                            |
   |                     '-FULL--'                                                            |

A joined table specifies an intermediate result table that is the result of either an inner join or an outer join. The table is derived by applying one of the join operators: INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, or FULL OUTER to its operands.

Inner joins can be thought of as the cross product of the tables (combine each row of the left table with every row of the right table), keeping only the rows where the join-condition is true. The result table may be missing rows from either or both of the joined tables. Outer joins include the inner join and preserve these missing rows. There are three types of outer joins:

  1. left outer join includes rows from the left table that were missing from the inner join.

  2. right outer join includes rows from the right table that were missing from the inner join.

  3. full outer join includes rows from both the left and right tables that were missing from the inner join.

If a join-operator is not specified, INNER is implicit. The order in which multiple joins are performed can affect the result. Joins can be nested within other joins. The order of processing for joins is generally from left to right, but based on the position of the required join-condition. Parentheses are recommended to make the order of nested joins more readable. For example:

    tb1 left join  tb2 on tb1.c1=tb2.c1 
        right join tb3 left join tb4 on tb3.c1=tb4.c1 
                                    on tb1.c1=tb3.c1

is the same as:

   (tb1 left join tb2 on tb1.c1=tb2.c1) 
        right join (tb3 left join tb4 on tb3.c1=tb4.c1)
                                     on tb1.c1=tb3.c1

A joined table can be used in any context in which any form of the SELECT statement is used. A view or a cursor is read-only if its SELECT statement includes a joined table.

A join-condition is a search-condition except that:

An error occurs if the join-condition does not comply with these rules (SQLSTATE 42972).

Column references are resolved using the rules for resolution of column name qualifiers. The same rules that apply to predicates apply to join-conditions (see Predicates).

Join Operations

A join-condition specifies pairings of T1 and T2, where T1 and T2 are the left and right operand tables of the JOIN operator of the join-condition. For all possible combinations of rows of T1 and T2, a row of T1 is paired with a row of T2 if the join-condition is true. When a row of T1 is joined with a row of T2, a row in the result consists of the values of that row of T1 concatenated with the values of that row of T2. The execution might involve the generation of a null row. The null row of a table consists of a null value for each column of the table, regardless of whether the columns allow null values.

The following summarizes the result of the join operations:



The WHERE clause specifies an intermediate result table that consists of those rows of R for which the search-condition is true. R is the result of the FROM clause of the subselect.

The search-condition must conform to the following rules:

Any subquery in the search-condition is effectively executed for each row of R, and the results are used in the application of the search-condition to the given row of R. A subquery is actually executed for each row of R only if it includes a correlated reference. In fact, a subquery with no correlated references is executed just once, whereas a subquery with a correlated reference may have to be executed once for each row.

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