IBM Books

SQL Reference

Numeric Assignments

The basic rule for numeric assignments is that the whole part of a decimal or integer number is never truncated. If the scale of the target number is less than the scale of the assigned number the excess digits in the fractional part of a decimal number are truncated.

Decimal or Integer to Floating-Point

Floating-point numbers are approximations of real numbers. Hence, when a decimal or integer number is assigned to a floating-point column or variable, the result may not be identical to the original number.

Floating-Point or Decimal to Integer

When a floating-point or decimal number is assigned to an integer column or variable, the fractional part of the number is lost.

Decimal to Decimal

When a decimal number is assigned to a decimal column or variable, the number is converted, if necessary, to the precision and the scale of the target. The necessary number of leading zeros is appended or eliminated, and, in the fractional part of the number, the necessary number of trailing zeros is appended, or the necessary number of trailing digits is eliminated.

Integer to Decimal

When an integer is assigned to a decimal column or variable, the number is converted first to a temporary decimal number and then, if necessary, to the precision and scale of the target. The precision and scale of the temporary decimal number is 5,0 for a small integer, or 11,0 for a large integer, or 19,0 for a big integer.

Floating-Point to Decimal

When a floating-point number is converted to decimal, the number is first converted to a temporary decimal number of precision 31, and then, if necessary, truncated to the precision and scale of the target. In this conversion, the number is rounded (using floating-point arithmetic) to a precision of 31 decimal digits. As a result, a number less than 0.5*10-31 is reduced to 0. The scale is given the largest possible value that allows the whole part of the number to be represented without loss of significance.

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