IBM Books

SQL Reference


                   | '-DISTINCT-'               |

The schema is SYSIBM.

The COUNT_BIG function returns the number of rows or values in a set of rows or values. It is similar to COUNT except that the result can be greater than the maximum value of integer.

If DISTINCT is used, the resulting expression must not have a length greater than 254 for a character column or 127 for a graphic column.

The result of the function is a decimal with precision 31 and scale 0. The result cannot be null.

The argument of COUNT_BIG(*) is a set of rows. The result is the number of rows in the set. A row that includes only NULL values is included in the count.

The argument of COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT expression) is a set of values. The function is applied to the set of values derived from the argument values by the elimination of null and duplicate values. The result is the number of different non-null values in the set.

The argument of COUNT_BIG(expression) or COUNT_BIG(ALL expression) is a set of values. The function is applied to the set of values derived from the argument values by the elimination of null values. The result is the number of non-null values in the set, including duplicates.


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