IBM Books

SQL Reference


The ALTER TABLE statement modifies existing tables by:


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued through the use of dynamic SQL statements. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared. However, if the bind option DYNAMICRULES BIND applies, the statement cannot be dynamically prepared (SQLSTATE 42509).


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following:

To create or drop a foreign key, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include one of the following on the parent table:

To drop a primary key or unique constraint of table T, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following on every table that is a dependent of this parent key of T:


>>-ALTER TABLE--table-name-------------------------------------->
         V       (1)     .-COLUMN-.                                    |
>----------+-ADD-------+-+--------+--| column-definition |--+-------+--+-->
           |           +-| unique-constraint |--------------+       |
           |           +-| referential-constraint |---------+       |
           |           +-| check-constraint |---------------+       |
           |           '-| partitioning-key-definition |----'       |
           |        .-COLUMN-.                                      |
           +-ALTER--+--------+--| column-alteration |---------------+
           +-DROP--+-PRIMARY KEY-------------------------+----------+
           |       +--+-FOREIGN KEY-+---constraint-name--+          |
           |       |  +-UNIQUE------+                    |          |
           |       |  +-CHECK-------+                    |          |
           |       |  '-CONSTRAINT--'                    |          |
           |       '-PARTITIONING KEY--------------------'          |
           +-DATA CAPTURE--+-NONE---------------------------------+-+
           |               '-CHANGES--+-------------------------+-' |
           |                          '-INCLUDE LONGVAR COLUMNS-'   |
           +-ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY--+-------------------+---+
           |                                '-WITH EMPTY TABLE--'   |
           |           '-TABLE-'                                    |
           |         '-OFF-'                                        |
           |                    .-CARDINALITY-.                     |
              '-NOT VOLATILE-'
>-----+-SET DATA TYPE--+-VARCHAR-----------+---(--integer--)--+-|
      |                +-CHARACTER VARYING-+                  |
      |                '-CHAR VARYING------'                  |
      '-ADD SCOPE--+-typed-table-name-+-----------------------'


  1. For compatibility with Version 1, the ADD keyword is optional for:

|--column-name----| data-type |--+---------------------+--------|
                                 '-| column-options |--'
    V                                                                                 |
       +-NOT NULL------------------------------------------------------------------+
       +-| default-clause |--------------------------------------------------------+
       |                 (1)                                                       |
       +-| lob-options |-----------------------------------------------------------+
       |                      (2)                                                  |
       +-| datalink-options |------------------------------------------------------+
       |                               (3)                                         |
       |        '-typed-view-name2--'                                              |
       '-+-----------------------------------+---+-+-PRIMARY KEY-+---------------+-'
         |            (4)                    |   | '-UNIQUE------'               |
         '-CONSTRAINT-------constraint-name--'   +-| references-clause |---------+


  1. The lob-options clause only applies to large object types (BLOB, CLOB and DBCLOB) and distinct types based on large object types.

  2. The datalink-options clause only applies to the DATALINK type and distinct types based on the DATALINK type.

  3. The SCOPE clause only applies to the REF type.

  4. For compatibility with Version 1, the CONSTRAINT keyword may be omitted in a column-definition defining a references-clause.

       .-LOGGED-----.     .-NOT COMPACT--.
       '-NOT LOGGED-'     '-COMPACT------'
|---LINKTYPE URL------------------------------------------------>
     .-NO LINK CONTROL------------------------------.
     '-FILE LINK CONTROL--+-| file-link-options |-+-'
                          '-MODE DB2OPTIONS-------'
|---*--INTEGRITY----ALL----*--READ PERMISSION--+-FS-+----------->
>----*--WRITE PERMISSION--+-FS------+--*--RECOVERY--+-NO--+----->
                          '-BLOCKED-'               '-YES-'
>----*--ON UNLINK--+-RESTORE-+---*------------------------------|
                              |    .-,--------------.      |
                              |    V                |      |
>-----| rule-clause |-------------------------------------------|
                   '-SET NULL-'
   '-CONSTRAINT--constraint-name--'   '-PRIMARY KEY-'
        V                |
    |                             (1)   |
                     V                |
>----FOREIGN KEY--(-----column-name---+---)--------------------->
>-----| references-clause |-------------------------------------|
                          V                |
|---PARTITIONING KEY---(-----column-name---+---)---------------->


  1. For compatibility with Version1, constraint-name may be specified following FOREIGN KEY (without the CONSTRAINT keyword).


Identifies the table to be changed. It must be a table described in the catalog and must not be a view or a catalog table. If table-name identifies a summary table, alterations are limited to activating not logged initially, changing pctfree, locksize, append, or volatile. The table-name cannot be a nickname (SQLSTATE 42809).

ADD column-definition
Adds a column to the table. The table must not be a typed table (SQLSTATE 428DH). If the table has existing rows, every value of the newly added column is its default value. The new column is the 'last' column of the table. That is, if initially there are n columns, the added column is column n+1. The value of n cannot be greater than 499.

Adding the new column must not make the total byte count of all columns exceed the maximum record size as specified in Table 31. See Notes for more information.

Is the name of the column to be added to the table. The name cannot be qualified. Existing column names in the table cannot be used (SQLSTATE 42711).

Is one of the data types listed under CREATE TABLE.

Prevents the column from containing null values. The default-clause must also be specified (SQLSTATE 42601).

Specifies a default value for the column.

An optional keyword.

Provides a default value in the event a value is not supplied on INSERT or is specified as DEFAULT on INSERT or UPDATE. If a specific default value is not specified following the DEFAULT keyword, the default value depends on the data type of the column as shown in Table 19. If a column is defined as a DATALINK, then a specific default value cannot be specified.

If a column is defined using a distinct type, then the default value of the column is the default value of the source data type cast to the distinct type.

Table 19. Default Values (when no value specified)
Data Type Default Value
Numeric 0
Fixed-length character string Blanks
Varying-length character string A string of length 0
Fixed-length graphic string Double-byte blanks
Varying-length graphic string A string of length 0
Date For existing rows, a date corresponding to January 1, 0001. For added rows, the current date.
Time For existing rows, a time corresponding to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds. For added rows, the current time.
Timestamp For existing rows, a date corresponding to January 1, 0001, and a time corresponding to 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds and 0 microseconds. For added rows, the current timestamp.
Binary string (blob) A string of length 0

Omission of DEFAULT from a column-definition results in the use of the null value as the default for the column.

Specific types of values that can be specified with the DEFAULT keyword are as follows.

Specifies the constant as the default value for the column. The specified constant must:
  • represent a value that could be assigned to the column in accordance with the rules of assignment as described in Chapter 3
  • not be a floating-point constant unless the column is defined with a floating-point data type
  • not have non-zero digits beyond the scale of the column data type if the constant is a decimal constant (for example, 1.234 cannot be the default for a DECIMAL(5,2) column)
  • be expressed with no more than 254 characters including the quote characters, any introducer character such as the X for a hexadecimal constant, and characters from the fully qualified function name and parentheses when the constant is the argument of a cast-function.

Specifies the value of the datetime special register (CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP) at the time of INSERT or UPDATE as the default for the column. The data type of the column must be the data type that corresponds to the special register specified (for example, data type must be DATE when CURRENT DATE is specified). For existing rows, the value is the current date, current time or current timestamp when the ALTER TABLE statement is processed.

Specifies the value of the USER special register at the time of INSERT or UPDATE as the default for the column. If USER is specified, the data type of the column must be a character string with a length not less than the length attribute of USER. For existing rows, the value is the authorization ID of the ALTER TABLE statement.

Specifies NULL as the default for the column. If NOT NULL was specified, DEFAULT NULL must not be specified within the same column definition.

This form of a default value can only be used with columns defined as a distinct type, BLOB or datetime (DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP) data type. For distinct type, with the exception of distinct types based on BLOB or datetime types, the name of the function must match the name of the distinct type for the column. If qualified with a schema name, it must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type. If not qualified, the schema name from function resolution must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type. For a distinct type based on a datetime type, where the default value is a constant, a function must be used and the name of the function must match the name of the source type of the distinct type with an implicit or explicit schema name of SYSIBM. For other datetime columns, the corresponding datetime function may also be used. For a BLOB or a distinct type based on on BLOB, a function must be used and the name of the function must be BLOB with an implicit or explicit schema name of SYSIBM. An example using the cast-function is given in Example 8 on page ***.

Specifies a constant as the argument. The constant must conform to the rules of a constant for the source type of the distinct type or for the data type if not a distinct type. If the cast-function is BLOB, the constant must be a string constant.

Specifies CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP. The source type of the distinct type of the column must be the data type that corresponds to the specified special register.

Specifies the USER special register. The data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be a string data type with a length of at least 8 bytes. If the cast-function is BLOB, the length attribute must be at least 8 bytes.

If the value specified is not valid, an error (SQLSTATE 42894) is raised.

Specifies options for LOB data types. See lob-options in CREATE TABLE.

Specifies options for DATALINK data types. See datalink-options in CREATE TABLE.

Specify a scope for a reference type column.

The name of a typed table. The data type of column-name must be REF(S), where S is the type of typed-table-name2 (SQLSTATE 428DM). No checking is done of the default value for column-name to ensure that the value actually references an existing row in typed-table-name2.

The name of a typed view. The data type of column-name must be REF(S), where S is the type of typed-view-name2 (SQLSTATE 428DM). No checking is done of the default value for column-name to ensure that the values actually references an existing row in typed-view-name2.

CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the constraint. A constraint-name must not identify a constraint that was already specified within the same ALTER TABLE statement, or as the name of any other existing constraint on the table (SQLSTATE 42710).

If the constraint name is not specified by the user, an 18-character identifier unique within the identifiers of the existing constraints defined on the table, is generated 55 by the system.

When used with a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint, the constraint-name may be used as the name of an index that is created to support the constraint. See Notes for details on index names associated with unique constraints.

This provides a shorthand method of defining a primary key composed of a single column. Thus, if PRIMARY KEY is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if the PRIMARY KEY(C) clause were specified as a separate clause. The column cannot contain null values, so the NOT NULL attribute must also be specified (SQLSTATE 42831).

See PRIMARY KEY within the description of the unique-constraint below.

This provides a shorthand method of defining a unique key composed of a single column. Thus, if UNIQUE is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if the UNIQUE(C) clause were specified as a separate clause.

See UNIQUE within the description of the unique-constraint below.

This provides a shorthand method of defining a foreign key composed of a single column. Thus, if a references-clause is specified in the definition of column C, the effect is the same as if that references-clause were specified as part of a FOREIGN KEY clause in which C is the only identified column.

See references-clause on page *** under CREATE TABLE.

CHECK (check-condition)
This provides a shorthand method of defining a check constraint that applies to a single column. See CHECK (check-condition) on page *** under CREATE TABLE.

ADD unique-constraint
Defines a unique or primary key constraint. A primary key or unique constraint cannot be added to a table that is a subtable (SQLSTATE 429B3). If the table is a supertable at the top of the hierarchy, the constraint applies to the table and all its subtables.

CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Names the primary key or unique constraint. For information on constraint-name, see page ***.

UNIQUE (column-name,...)
Defines a unique key composed of the identified columns. The identified columns must be defined as NOT NULL. Each column-name must identify a column of the table and the same column must not be identified more than once. The name cannot be qualified. The number of identified columns must not exceed 16 and the sum of their length attributes must not exceed 1 024. The length of any individual column must not exceed 255 bytes. No LOB, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC or DATALINK column may be used as part of a unique key (even if the length attribute of the column is small enough to fit within the 255 byte limit) (SQLSTATE 42962). The set of columns in the unique key cannot be the same as the set of columns of the primary key or another unique key (SQLSTATE 01543). Any existing values in the set of identified columns must be unique (SQLSTATE 23515).

A check is performed to determine if an existing index matches the unique key definition (ignoring any INCLUDE columns in the index). An index definition matches if it identifies the same set of columns without regard to the order of the columns or the direction (ASC/DESC) specifications. If a matching index definition is found, the description of the index is changed to indicate that it is required by the system and it is changed to unique (after ensuring uniqueness) if it was a non-unique index. If the table has more than one matching index, an existing unique index is selected (the selection is arbitrary). If no matching index is found, a unique index will automatically be created for the columns, as described in CREATE TABLE. See Notes for details on index names associated with unique constraints.

PRIMARY KEY (column-name,...)
Defines a primary key composed of the identified columns. Each column-name must identify a column of the table, and the same column must not be identified more than once. The name cannot be qualified. The number of identified columns must not exceed 16 and the sum of their length attributes must not exceed 1 024. The length of any individual column must not exceed 255 bytes. The table must not have a primary key and the identified columns must be defined as NOT NULL. No LOB, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC or DATALINK column may be used as part of a primary key (even if the length attribute of the column is small enough to fit within the 255 byte limit) (SQLSTATE 42962). The set of columns in the primary key cannot be the same as the set of columns of a unique key (SQLSTATE 01543). 56 Any existing values in the set of identified columns must be unique (SQLSTATE 23515).

A check is performed to determine if an existing index matches the primary key definition (ignoring any INCLUDE columns in the index). An index definition matches if it identifies the same set of columns without regard to the order of the columns or the direction (ASC/DESC) specifications. If a matching index definition is found, the description of the index is changed to indicate that it is the primary index, as required by the system, and it is changed to unique(after ensuring uniqueness) if it was a non-unique index. If the table has more than one matching index, an existing unique index is selected (the selection is arbitrary). If no matching index is found, a unique index will automatically be created for the columns, as described in CREATE TABLE. See Notes for details on index names associated with unique constraints.

Only one primary key can be defined on a table.

If the table has a partitioning key, the columns of a unique-constraint must be a superset of the partitioning key columns; column order is unimportant.

ADD referential-constraint
Defines a referential constraint. See referential-constraint on page *** under CREATE TABLE.

ADD check-constraint
Defines a check constraint. See check-constraint in CREATE TABLE.

ADD partitioning-key-definition
Defines a partitioning key. The table must be defined in a table space on a single-partition nodegroup and must not already have a partitioning key. A partitioning key cannot be added to a table that is a subtable (SQLSTATE 428DH).

PARTITIONING KEY (column-name...)
Defines a partitioning key using the specified columns. Each column-name must identify a column of the table, and the same column must not be identified more than once. The name cannot be qualified. No LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, or LOB column may be used as part of a partitioning key (SQLSTATE 42962).

For restrictions related to the partitioning key, see Rules.

Specifies the use of the hashing function as the partitioning method for data distribution. This is the only partitioning method supported.

ALTER column-alteration
Alters the characteristics of a column.

Is the name of the column to be altered in the table. The column-name must identify an existing column of the table (SQLSTATE 42703). The name cannot be qualified.

Increase the length of an existing VARCHAR column. CHARACTER VARYING or CHAR VARYING can be used as synonyms for the VARCHAR keyword. The data type of column-name must be VARCHAR and the current maximum length defined for the column must not be greater than the value for integer (SQLSTATE 42837). The value for integer may range up to 32 672. The table must not be a typed table (SQLSTATE 428DH).

Altering the column must not make the total byte count of all columns exceed the maximum record size as specified in Table 31 (SQLSTATE 54010). See Notes for more information. If the column is used in a unique constraint or an index, the new length must not be greater than 255 bytes and must not cause the sum of the lengths of the columns for the unique constraint or index to exceed 1 024 (SQLSTATE 54008).

Add a scope to an existing reference type column that does not already have a scope defined (SQLSTATE 428DK). If the table being altered is a typed table, the column must not be inherited from a supertable (SQLSTATE 428DJ). Refer to ALTER TYPE (Structured) for examples.

The name of a typed table. The data type of column-name must be REF(S), where S is the type of typed-table-name (SQLSTATE 428DM). No checking is done of any existing values in column-name to ensure that the values actually reference existing rows in typed-table-name.

The name of a typed view. The data type of column-name must be REF(S), where S is the type of typed-view-name (SQLSTATE 428DM). No checking is done of any existing values in column-name to ensure that the values actually reference existing rows in typed-view-name.

Drops the definition of the primary key and all referential constraints dependent on this primary key. The table must have a primary key.

DROP FOREIGN KEY constraint-name
Drops the referential constraint constraint-name. The constraint-name must identify a referential constraint. For information on implications of dropping a referential constraint see Notes.

DROP UNIQUE constraint-name
Drops the definition of the unique constraint constraint-name and all referential constraints dependent on this unique constraint. The constraint-name must identify an existing UNIQUE constraint. For information on implications of dropping a unique constraint see Notes.

DROP CONSTRAINT constraint-name
Drops the constraint constraint-name. The constraint-name must identify an existing check constraint, referential constraint, primary key or unique constraint defined on the table. For information on implications of dropping a constraint see Notes.

DROP CHECK constraint-name
Drops the check constraint constraint-name. The constraint-name must identify an existing check constraint defined on the table.

Drops the partitioning key. The table must have a partitioning key and must be in a table space defined on a single-partition nodegroup.

Indicates whether extra information for data replication is to be written to the log.

If the table is a typed table, then this option is not supported (SQLSTATE 428DH for root tables or 428DR for other subtables).

Indicates that no extra information will be logged.

Indicates that extra information regarding SQL changes to this table will be written to the log. This option is required if this table will be replicated and the Capture program is used to capture changes for this table from the log.

If the table is defined to allow data on a partition other than the catalog partition (multiple partition nodegroup or nodegroup with partition other than the catalog partition), then this option is not supported (SQLSTATE 42997).

Further information about using replication can be found in the Administration Guide and the Replication Guide and Reference.

Allows data replication utilities to capture changes made to LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC columns. The clause may be specified for tables that do not have any LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC columns since it is possible to ALTER the table to include such columns.

Activates the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute of the table for this current unit of work. The table must have been originally created with the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute (SQLSTATE 429AA).

Any changes made to the table by an INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX, or ALTER TABLE in the same unit of work after the table is altered by this statement are not logged. Any changes made to the system catalog by the ALTER statement in which the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute is activated are logged. Any subsequent changes made in the same unit of work to the system catalog information are logged.

At the completion of the current unit of work, the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute is deactivated and all operations that are done on the table in subsequent units of work are logged.

If using this feature to avoid locks on the catalog tables while inserting data, it is important that only this clause be specified on the ALTER TABLE statement. Use of any other clause in the ALTER TABLE statement will result in catalog locks. If no other clauses are specified for the ALTER TABLE statement, then only a SHARE lock will be acquired on the system catalog tables. This can greatly reduce the possibility of concurrency conflicts for the duration of time between when this statement is executed and when the unit of work in which it was executed is ended.

If the table is a typed table, this option is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

For more information on the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute, see the description of this attribute in CREATE TABLE.
Note:An error in any operation in the unit of work in which the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute is active will result in the entire unit of work being rolled back (SQLSTATE 40506). Furthermore, the table for which the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute was activated is marked inaccessible after the rollback has occurred and can only be dropped. Therefore, the opportunity for errors within the unit of work in which the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY attribute is activated should be minimized.

Causes all data currently in table to be removed. Once the data has been removed, it cannot be recovered except through use of the RESTORE facility. If the unit of work in which this Alter statement was issued is rolled back, the table data will NOT be returned to its original state.

When this action is requested, no DELETE triggers defined on the affected table are fired. Any indexes that exist on the table are also emptied.

PCTFREE integer
Indicates what percentage of each page to leave as free space during load or reorganization. The value of integer can range from 0 to 99. The first row on each page is added without restriction. When additional rows are added, at least integer percent of free space is left on each page. The PCTFREE value is considered only by the LOAD and REORGANIZE TABLE utilities.

If the table is a typed table, this option is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

Indicates the size (granularity) of locks used when the table is accessed. Use of this option in the table definition will not prevent normal lock escalation from occurring. If the table is a typed table, this option is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

Indicates the use of row locks. This is the default lock size when a table is created.

Indicates the use of table locks. This means that the appropriate share or exclusive lock is acquired on the table and intent locks (except intent none) are not used. Use of this value may improve the performance of queries by limiting the number of locks that need to be acquired. However, concurrency is also reduced since all locks are held over the complete table.

Further information about locking can be found in the Administration Guide.

Indicates whether data is appended to the end of the table data or placed where free space is available in data pages. If the table is a typed table, this option is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

Indicates that table data will be appended and information about free space on pages will not be kept. The table must not have a clustered index (SQLSTATE 428CA).

Indicates that table data will be placed where there is available space. This is the default when a table is created.

The table should be reorganized after setting APPEND OFF since the information about available free space is not accurate and may result in poor performance during insert.

This indicates to the optimizer that the cardinality of table table-name can vary significantly at run time, from empty to quite large. To access table-name the optimizer will use an index scan rather than a table scan, regardless of the statistics, if that index is index-only (all columns referenced are in the index) or that index is able to apply a predicate in the index scan. If the table is a typed table, this option is only supported on the root table of the typed table hierarchy (SQLSTATE 428DR).

This indicates to the optimizer that the cardinality of table-name is not volatile. Access Plans to this table will continue to be based on the existing statistics and on the optimization level in place.

An optional key word to indicate that it is the number of rows in the table that is volatile and not the table itself.




Example 1:  Add a new column named RATING, which is one character long, to the DEPARTMENT table.


Example 2:  Add a new column named SITE_NOTES to the PROJECT table. Create SITE_NOTES as a varying-length column with a maximum length of 1000 characters. The values of the column do not have an associated character set and therefore should not be translated.


Example 3:  Assume a table called EQUIPMENT exists defined with the following columns:

      Column Name        Data Type
      EQUIP_NO           INT
      EQUIP_DESC         VARCHAR(50)
      LOCATION           VARCHAR(50)
      EQUIP_OWNER        CHAR(3)

Add a referential constraint to the EQUIPMENT table so that the owner (EQUIP_OWNER) must be a department number (DEPTNO) that is present in the DEPARTMENT table. DEPTNO is the primary key of the DEPARTMENT table. If a department is removed from the DEPARTMENT table, the owner (EQUIP_OWNER) values for all equipment owned by that department should become unassigned (or set to null). Give the constraint the name DEPTQUIP.


Also, an additional column is needed to allow the recording of the quantity associated with this equipment record. Unless otherwise specified, the EQUIP_QTY column should have a value of 1 and must never be null.


Example 4:  Alter table EMPLOYEE. Add the check constraint named REVENUE defined so that each employee must make a total of salary and commission greater than $30,000.

   CHECK (SALARY + COMM > 30000)

Example 5:  Alter table EMPLOYEE. Drop the constraint REVENUE which was previously defined.


Example 6:  Alter a table to log SQL changes in the default format.


Example 7:  Alter a table to log SQL changes in an expanded format.


Example 8:  Alter the EMPLOYEE table to add 4 new columns with default values.


The default values use various function names when specifying the default. Since MEASURE is a distinct type based on INTEGER, the MEASURE function is used. The HEIGHT column default could have been specified without the function since the source type of MEASURE is not BLOB or a datetime data type. Since BIRTHDATE is a distinct type based on DATE, the DATE function is used (BIRTHDATE cannot be used here). For the FLAGS and PHOTO columns the default is specified using the BLOB function even though PHOTO is a distinct type. To specify a default for BIRTHDAY, FLAGS and PHOTO columns, a function must be used because the type is a BLOB or a distinct type sourced on a BLOB or datetime data type.

Example 9: Assume that you have a table called CUSTOMERS that is defined with the following columns:

       Column Name        Data Type
       BRANCH_NO          SMALLINT
       CUSTOMER_NO        DECIMAL(7)

In this table, the primary key is made up of the BRANCH_NO and CUSTOMER_NO columns. You want to partition the table, so you need to create a partitioning key for the table. The table must be defined in a table space on a single-node nodegroup. The primary key must be a superset of the partitioning columns: at least one of the columns of the primary key must be used as the partitioning key. Assume that you want to make BRANCH_NO the partitioning key. You would do this with the following statement:



The identifier is formed of "SQL" followed by a sequence of 15 numeric characters generated by a timestamp-based function.

If LANGLEVEL is SQL92E or MIA then an error is returned, SQLSTATE 42891.

If the primary or unique key uses an existing unique index that was created in a previous version and has not been converted to support deferred uniqueness, then the index is converted and packages with update usage on the associated table are invalidated.

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