Application Development Guide

Writing Programs for DB2 Federated Systems

  • Introduction to DB2 Federated Systems
  • Accessing Data Source Tables and Views
  • Working with Nicknames
  • Cataloging Information about Data Source Tables and Views
  • Considerations and Restrictions
  • Defining Column Options
  • Using Nicknames with Views
  • Using Isolation Levels to Maintain Data Integrity
  • Working with Data Type Mappings
  • How DB2 Determines What Data Types to Define Locally
  • Default Data Type Mappings
  • How You Can Override Default Type Mappings and Create New Ones
  • Defining a Type Mapping That Applies to One or More Data Sources
  • Changing a Type Mapping for a Specific Table
  • Using Distributed Requests to Query Data Sources
  • Coding Distributed Requests
  • A Request with a Subquery
  • A Request with Set Operators
  • A Request for a Join
  • Using Server Options to Facilitate Optimization
  • Invoking Data Source Functions
  • Enabling DB2 to Invoke Data Source Functions
  • Reducing the Overhead of Invoking a Function
  • Specifying Function Names in the CREATE FUNCTION MAPPING Statement
  • Discontinuing Function Mappings
  • Using Pass-Through to Query Data Sources Directly
  • SQL Processing in Pass-Through Sessions
  • Considerations and Restrictions
  • Using Pass-Through with All Data Sources
  • Using Pass-Through with Oracle Data Sources

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